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The environment has played a significant role in shaping the culture of the Gagudju Aborigines. Their deep connection to the land, rivers, and wildlife is reflected in their spiritual beliefs, storytelling, and traditional practices. The abundance of Natural Resources in their environment, such as bushfoods and medicinal plants, has also influenced their diet and traditional methods of survival. Additionally, the unique characteristics of the Kakadu National Park, where the Gagudju people have lived for thousands of years, have shaped their cultural practices and preservation of their heritage.

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11y ago

The culture of the Gagudju people is completely intertwined with their environment. As hunters and gatherers, they eat natural foods that they either gather (plants) or kill (animals). They have an incredible knowledge of their homelands, which enables them to know when it is okay to do things like burn the grasslands. Their environment provides them with pretty much everything they need. Their stories and beliefs are about the landforms, plants, and animals that live in the Kakadu region of Australia. And their paintings, which are a very important part of their culture, are representations of the animals that sustain the Gagudju, and are made only of materials that can be found in the surrounding environment.

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