

How is a missile guided to its target?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: How is a missile guided to its target?
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What section of a guided missile contains the main explosive charge?


Difference between rocket and missile?

A missile is anything thrown or projected. A rocket uses rocket propulsion - throwing out hot gasses in order to move in the opposite direction. In practice most rockets can be considered to be missiles and most missiles are rockets. in the military a rocket is unguided en a missile is guided, think about GPS or a wire that is in the back of the missile an attached to the launcher an can steered to the target.

What is the difference between an Atomic Bomb and a Nuclear Missile?

An atomic bomb is an explosive device that obtains its energy from the atomic nucleus. it is equally valid to call it a nuclear bomb, and it can obtain this energy through either of the processes of fission and/or fusion. There are many ways an atomic bomb can be delivered to its target: aircraft, unguided rocket, guided missile, cruise missile, torpedo, depth charge, hand carried, landmine (the target comes to it), artillery shell, jeep/tripod mounted bazooka, etc. Atomic bombs were also proposed and tested for several peaceful uses: blasting for construction (e.g. highways, railroads, canals), oil industry (e.g. natural gas extraction, oil extraction from tar sands), spacecraft propulsion (Project Orion 1958 to 1963), etc. A nuclear missile usually means a guided missile with an atomic bomb (aka warhead) as its payload, the guided missile is the means of delivering that atomic bomb to its target. However it is also possible in some circumstances to interpret nuclear missile as equivalent to nuclear rocket. A nuclear rocket uses a nuclear reactor to heat a gas (e.g. hydrogen) to propel the rocket, as usually visualized the payload of a nuclear rocket is a deep space probe of some kind (but it could just as easily be a manned spacecraft or an atomic bomb).

How does a missile work?

Missiles have a guidance system, a "brain" (computer), telemetry gear, warhead (or payload), fuel, and fins. They are either active, semi-active, or passive. Active means that they send out their own RF (radio frequency) trying to identify the target. Think of it as a dolphin trying to find a fish using echolocation. It's the same principle. The reflected RF is returned to the missile and its computer adjusts its current course accordingly to the target. A semi-active missile has a third party source transmitting RF towards the target and the reflection is returned to the missile. A passive missile uses RF emissions from the target as it's homing. Essentially, the target itself is telling the missile where it is.

Is there a difference between a rocket and a missile?

missile is also a rocket but the difference is that, it hold explosive for mass destruction. a rocket is just use to propelling vehicle like in satellites etc. missiles are self guided by the help of inertial navigation system.

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a missle is a kind of bomb# An object or weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile. # A guided missile. # A ballistic missile. # An object or weapon that is fired, thrown, dropped, or otherwise projected at a target; a projectile. # A guided missile. # A ballistic missile.

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it is a deviced used from the ground by ground troops to aim at a target with a laser beam. An airplane far away will release the missile and the misile will be guided by the device. the pilot does not have to aim the missile. Smart Bomb

Guided missiles were invented in this country?

Germany invented the guided missile.A list of guided missiles invented by German engineers and scientists:Henschel Hs 293 (Anti-ship guided missile)Fritz X (Anti-ship guided missile)Messerschmitt "Enzian" E-4 (Radio controlled guided missile)Rheintochter (Surface to air missile)Wasserfall (Surface to air missile)

Guided missiles were in this country?

Germany invented the guided missile.A list of guided missiles invented by German engineers and scientists:Henschel Hs 293 (Anti-ship guided missile)Fritz X (Anti-ship guided missile)Messerschmitt "Enzian" E-4 (Radio controlled guided missile)Rheintochter (Surface to air missile)Wasserfall (Surface to air missile)

Is a cruise missile just an expensive firework?

No, and saying it is would be an asinine and absurd statement. A cruise missile is a guided precision weapons system, intended to deliver a warhead to a target.

What is anti-ballistic missile?

An anti-ballistic missile is a based missile system made to shoot down ballistic missiles. Usually ABM consists of a missile system guided by heat (more primitive), or by laser guided systems. When these missiles egnite, they send a cloud of cluster munitions in front of the target projectile in order to shread the warhead to peices.