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In Light-Year(s) ; see related link below .

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Q: How is distance measured in space?
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What is the measurement used to measure distance in space?

Distance in space is measured in 'light years' or in 'scientific notation'

What is distance of philosophy?

Distance is measured or measurement is distance.Distance exists in space and time.Time exists in space.Space is a created phenomena.Just as space in a jar there is space in between words.Time is supposed to travel within that space. Time is measured and so also the created space.

What is it called when you measure distance between stars?

usually the space is measured in light years

Why is the safe cushion of space measured in seconds and not in feet or distance?

It is a lot easier to count seconds than to estimate distance.

In distance in space between stars and earth measured in kilometres or light years?

in light years

How are the distances measured in space?

There are two main units of distance used for measuring space distances, they are solar units and light years