

How is ecosystem disturbed?

Updated: 11/22/2023
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13y ago

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Disturbances can be natural or human-induced. Ecosystem disturbances can have both short-term and long-term effects. Some disturbance or changes occur due to natural ecological processes while others, particularly those driven by human activities. Managing these disturbances are crucial for the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. Examples of disturbance include fires, storms, diseases, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, contaminant spills, land clearing and dredging among many others which can majorly impact economic , population, climate change and many more.

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Anwar khan

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1mo ago
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12y ago

there are many things that can affect an ecosystem. first there could be no food for animals places to live humans making buildings and roads by an eccosystem and also the most common wildfires. hope this answered your question! :0

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13y ago

An ecosystem can be disturbed in many ways.

  • It can be affected by fire, flood and other similar natural disasters
  • It can be affected by human intervention, for example logging, overkilling of animals, and etc.
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14y ago

ecosystem can be harm by hunting, CO2,polltion,putting anmails in zoo and more!

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13y ago

they are being affetced mostly by humans and pollution.

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11y ago

Because humans are destroying the ecosystem.

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13y ago

because people don't treat it well.

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13y ago

humas can damage the ecosystem

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