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Mary I, Queen of Scots, ruled over one country, which was Scotland. She was the queen of Scotland from 1542 until her forced abdication in 1567.

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11y ago

Well there is Scotland and France but I'm not sure of the other one

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Q: How many countries did Mary I queen of Scots rule over?
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Who was queen World War I?

This would depend on the country. England's queen was Princess May of Teck, who took the title Queen Mary upon her husband's elevation to the throne as George V. Belgium's King Leopold had a queen consort, Elisabeth of Bavaria. Many other belligerents had queens, queen consorts, or similar titles. None of the major countries had an active female ruler at the time of World War 1.

Who was ruler of many countries?

Many rulers have ruled over numerous countries. Some examples include Queen Elizabeth II, Napoleon, Hitler, and King George VI.

How did queen Mary get her nickname?

Yes because she killed so many people just because of their religionNo because being queen was probably very difficult in those times, she was trying to do the right thing in her her own way by solving the problem by burning people. She was trying to prove a point but in a bad way, so that if anyone else were to do something bad, they would maybe think twice about the aftermath of the consequences are.

What effect did Mary queen of Scots have on the world?

Mary Queen of Scots, or Mary I of Scotland, had only a little effect on world history. Although her attempt to depose Elisabeth I of England failed, her son took over the English throne anyway, so in terms of royal families, nothing would have changed. There may well have been a greater anti-Scottish feeling in England, though, had Elisabeth been removed by force. She cemented relations between France and Scotland (The Auld Alliance) by marrying King Francis, which proved useful for James VII and II, her great grandson, when he escaped after the Glorious Revolution in 1688, when William III and II of Orange took the throne. France would also be the launching pad of the Jacobite revolution, where Charlie rallied support back in Scotland for the '45 rebellion. Other then that she was considered by many in her time as a great woman, although John Knox complained about having a woman in charge...

Was Mary Tudor Henry's daughter?

No His only child was a son, Prince Edward, born in October 1453. Had he had a daughter instead, history would have been radically changed as this would have made possible a dynastic marriage with the Yorkist heir, and averted the Wars of the Roses.

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How many husbands did Mary Queen of Scots have?

One. James, by her second husband, Henry Stuart

How Many Countries was Mary Queen of Scots Queen of?

It depends. When she was a teen and young adult she was Queen of two. She was the wife of King Francis II of France as well as the Queen of Scotland. He died two years after they got married and after that she was just the queen of Scotland she was queen of 3 countries

What was Elizabeths 1 problem and how did she solve it?

Elizabeth's had many problems with religion, other countries, marriage, taxes and money, the poor and Mary, queen of Scots.

How many days after her birth did Mary Queen of Scots become queen?

She was 6 or 7 days old.

How many castles was Mary Queen of Scot's held prisoner in?

Mary Queen of Scots was held prisoner in only a single castle, Loch Leven.