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Q: How many oxygen atoms are in 1.50 of quartz?
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A sample of nitric acid contains 50 HNO3 molecules How many oxygen atoms are in this sample?

150 (50 x 3)

Is oxygen gas heavy than air?

On average, oxygen (O2 which is 2 oxygen atoms) makes up about 20-21% of air. The bulk of the rest of it is Nitrogen (N2 which is 2 nitrogen atoms) (about 78%).Oxygen has a molecular weight of about 16 per atom. Nitrogen has a molecular weight of about 14 per atom. Pure Oxygen gas is thus heavier than "air."For example:Say you had a sample of air containing 8 Nitrogen atoms and 2 Oxygen atoms (80% N2, 20% O2). Based on atomic weight, it would come in at 150. (150 is calculated by multiplying the 8 nitrogen atoms by = 112, and then multiplying the 2 oxygen atoms by 16 = 32, and adding 112 and 32 together = 150).If you had the same amount of pure oxygen gas (O2), you would have 10 oxygen atoms times 16 = 160.So as a rough approximation, if the weights of oxygen gas = 160 and air = 150, air is approximately 93.75% the weigh of oxygen gas.. or in other words, "air" is approximately 6.25% lighter than pure oxygen gas.

What is yardstick of atoms?

The atomic radius is approx. 150 pm and is different for each element.

How many ounces are in 150 milligrams?

150mg is 0.005291 ounces.

Why is density vs atomic number not linear?

Density is related to many things, including atomic mass and the type of bonding between atoms of that element. Many elemnets do not have a direct relationship between atomic number and mass, e.g. while carbon most commonly has 6 neutrons to its 6 protons in the nucleus, uranium has nearly 150 neutrons to its 90-odd protons. These higher elements are also much larger and so their mass-to-volume ratio changes (this would inherently alter the overall density), while the larger size affects how the atoms "stack up", for example in a metal structure. Elements in different groups also bond differently, e.g. oxygen forms a double covalent bond making O2, but carbon makes giant covalent networks (graphite, diamond). This also affects how each atom (or molecule in the case of oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen etc.) will interact with those around and how they fit together.

Related questions

A sample of nitric acid contains 50 HNO3 molecules How many oxygen atoms are in this sample?

150 (50 x 3)

Is oxygen gas heavy than air?

On average, oxygen (O2 which is 2 oxygen atoms) makes up about 20-21% of air. The bulk of the rest of it is Nitrogen (N2 which is 2 nitrogen atoms) (about 78%).Oxygen has a molecular weight of about 16 per atom. Nitrogen has a molecular weight of about 14 per atom. Pure Oxygen gas is thus heavier than "air."For example:Say you had a sample of air containing 8 Nitrogen atoms and 2 Oxygen atoms (80% N2, 20% O2). Based on atomic weight, it would come in at 150. (150 is calculated by multiplying the 8 nitrogen atoms by = 112, and then multiplying the 2 oxygen atoms by 16 = 32, and adding 112 and 32 together = 150).If you had the same amount of pure oxygen gas (O2), you would have 10 oxygen atoms times 16 = 160.So as a rough approximation, if the weights of oxygen gas = 160 and air = 150, air is approximately 93.75% the weigh of oxygen gas.. or in other words, "air" is approximately 6.25% lighter than pure oxygen gas.

How do you change time in ajanta quartz odc- 150?

The Ajanta Quartz ODC-150 clock has buttons at the side which allow the owner to set the time. Pressing these buttons in the correct configuration will enable this.

How many oxygen sensors are on a Ford F-150 4.2 v6?

There are 4 oxygen sensors on the 2001 ford f150 v6.

If there were 300 atoms of silicon initially approximately how many atoms will be left after 150 years?

... 300? It might help if you gave more information, like that these are some radioactive isotope of silicon and what the half life is.

How many oxygen sensors in a 1996 ford f-150 5.0 engine?

There is one & should be located in the exhaust pipe, near the starter.