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It is difficult to determine a specific number of Democratic-run states that are on the verge of going bankrupt. The financial health of states can vary due to a range of factors, including economic conditions, budget management, and policy decisions. While some Democratic-run states may face fiscal challenges, it is important to note that states from both political parties can experience financial difficulties.

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Q: How many states run by democrats are on the verge of going bankrupt?
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Why did France have so many problems establishing a government?

because napoleon was trying to take control of Europe and had problems with Spain.portugual and at the end they all gained up on him at waterpool

How did presidents Reagan and Bush help bring about the end of the cold war?

Uhh...actually, Reagan prolonged the life of it. Carter realized the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse so he was willing to wait them out. Reagan decided to outspend them and in doing so revitalized the USSR. They eventually collapsed, but if Carter had won reelection it would happened by 1983.

How did president Reagan and bush help bring about the end of the cold war?

Uhh...actually, Reagan prolonged the life of it. Carter realized the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse so he was willing to wait them out. Reagan decided to outspend them and in doing so revitalized the USSR. They eventually collapsed, but if Carter had won reelection it would happened by 1983.

Should the UK adopt a codified constitution?

i found this.. I'm doing the exact same question and i found the markscheme of a previous exam with this question. Don't know if this is any help but, it's what I'm i find this question really difficult and on the verge of giving up.

How did shays rebellion influence the writing of the US constitution?

Shay's Rebellion is most significant to the development of the U.S. Constitution, primarily due to the timing of it's occurrence. The new republican experiment in America it was argued was on the verge of failure. Border disputes between states, economic wars over taxation, and confusion over jurisdiction threatened to break apart the Confederation Congress in favor of regionalized governments forming two to four separate national governments. For example, in Massachusetts where the rebellion was occurring there was discussion that the New England states would form their own nation, as would the Mid-Atlantic and the Southern states. The rebellion itself was greatly embellished at the time, with initial reports indicating that Daniel Shay's had as many as 12,000 men prepared to march on Boston. Most historians now have found that the number was closer to 1,200, and that they were in no way capable of a successful march. However, the military implications aside, the rebellion convinced many prominent Americans that the Articles of Confederation needed amending, or a radical change in favor of a unified national government. Shay's Rebellion became the catalyst that prompted James Madison to solicit, and convince George Washington to lend his prominence to a convention that would discuss the amending of the Articles. In fact, Shay's Rebellion, in perhaps a stronger way than Madison's argument coaxed Washington from retirement, and that Convention did occur, and ultimately became the Constitutional Convention creating the U.S. Constitution.

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