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For Cleveland, OH... About 66 days of sunshine. The remaining 299 days consist of 97 partly cloudy and 202 cloudy days. Yes, 202 cloudy days! We've gone 2 weeks straight (usually in the winter) without seeing so much as a spec of sunshine. Percentage-wise that breaks down to: 18% Sunny days 27% Partly Cloudy days 55% Cloudy days Keep in mind too that during December, January and February we only have 9 sunny days on average throughout the entire 3 month span. (9 sunny days vs. 68 cloudy days). That's only 3 days per month folks. Not good. Only 4 other major US cities have less sunshine than Cleveland (Seattle, Portland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh). Here are 2 links that this information came from:

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81 says Allen Patterson of

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14y ago

Not enough...............honestly I saw a report that said about 87 or so.

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13y ago

There is about 81 days per year that are sunny in Cincinnati.

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Source: NCDC

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