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The answer depends on the size of the salt container.

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Timothy Lester

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Q: How many teaspoons of salt in salt container?
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How many cups of salt in a 26 oz container of salt?

2.7 cups or 48 Tablespoons

How many teaspoons is a oz of salt?

About 5.5 teaspoons.

How many teaspoons in an ounce of salt?

6 teaspoons.

How many teaspoons of salt equal 100grams?

There are 21 teaspoons of salt in 100 grams.

How many teaspoons of salt are there in 20gm?

Approximately 3.486 teaspoons.

How many teaspoons are in 26 ounces of salt?

That is approximately 122.285 teaspoons of salt.