

Best Answer

55 times

10 in Matthew

7 in Mark

6 in Luke

3 in John

4 in Acts

9 in Romans

1 in 1Cor

3 in 2 Cor

4 in Galations

1 in 2Timothy

3 in Hebrews

1 in 1Peter

1 in 1John

1 in Revelations

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Q: How many times is seed mentioned in the new testament?
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Who is Mo lech?

Molech (Moloch , Molekh , Molok , Molek , Molock , Moloc , Melech , Milcom or Molcom) was an Ammonite god, also worshiped by the Canaanites and the Phoenician's. Molech was often mentioned in Old Testament Scripture in association with the rebellion of the Jews against their God. Worshipers of Molech were known to sacrifice their children by fire to him (even the Jews were mentioned to have done this multiple times in the Old Testament). Leviticus 18:21: "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch."

How many times does the word seed appear in the Christian scriptures?

The word seed is found in the King James Version Bible 282 times. -- answer -- In the King James version the word - seed - appears 279 times the word - seed's - appears once the word - seeds - appears 5 times the word - seedtime - appears once

Did god tell about his son before Jesus coming to be?

Immediately after the fall of Adam and Eve, God implemented His plan of redemption, announcing His promise of the seed of the woman (Jesus Christ) who would redeem mankind. Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

What is one parable that Jesus told his disciples?

the parable of the mustard seed, the parable of the good seed, the parable of the leaven bread, the parable of the wheat and tares, ect.

What does the parable of the sower teach you about sharing your faith?

The parable teaches that not everyone who hears will believe. Notice in three quarters of the places where the seed fell the seed did not bear fruit.I think one of the important things for a christian to see in this parable is that the farmer intended to plant the seed in the soil that he had prepared and it was the prepared (good) soil that bore fruit.The human heart is not naturally ready to receive the seed so it must be prepared. No descendent of Adam is naturally inclined toward God.Many times sowers of the gospel seed do not speed enough time preparing the hearts and minds of people before they offer them the gospel. The results are professions of faith that only last a short time. There is little permanent growth and no fruit in the lives of such people.The seed must also be cultivated after it has taken root = making disciples.