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The fact that Next.js provides gzip compression by default is indeed correct. However, there could be a couple of reasons why certain files are not being compressed:

File Type: By default, Next.js compresses only certain file types, such as JavaScript, CSS, and JSON. Other file types like images (e.g., JPEG, PNG) and some binary files are typically not compressed. This is because these file types are often already compressed in their own formats, and compressing them further might not yield significant savings.

File Size: While Next.js does offer gzip compression, there may be a size limit or threshold. Files that are below a certain size might not be compressed, as the savings gained from compression would be minimal, and the compression process itself could consume more resources than it saves.

Custom Configuration: It's also possible that your Next.js project has custom configurations that affect which files are compressed. For instance, you might have specific settings that exclude certain files or file types from compression.

To resolve this issue, you can check your Next.js project's configuration to see if there are any custom settings that might be affecting compression. You can also consider manually compressing files that you believe would benefit from it, or optimizing the files to reduce their size before compression. Additionally, if you're dealing with very small files, compression might not be necessary, and it's perfectly reasonable for them not to be compressed.

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Really depends on what type of climate you live in. If theres any doubt an expansion joint should be used

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Q: How much does concrete expand and contract?
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Does it expand and contract Even after concrete is dry?

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