

Best Answer

They pay 22% of 4.19 billion dollars. You do the math.

In 2010 the United States paid over 7.6 billion dollars to the UN. Payments to UN peace keeping / defense missions are not part of the regular budget. The State Department budget paid 5.5 billion, other agencies, such as Agriculture contributed various amounts to different US initiatives.

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Q: How much does the US pay for the UN each year?
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What is the average population of the Countries of the World?

RankCountry / TerritoryPopulationDate of estimate % of World PopulationSource1 China1,339,980,000October 11, 201019.5%Official Chinese Population Clock2 India1,188,730,000October 11, 201017.3%Official Indian Population Clock3 United States310,452,000October 11, 20104.52%Official United States Population Clock4 Indonesia237,556,363July 20103.46%2010 Indonesian Census5 Brazil193,635,000October 11, 20102.82%Brazilian Official Population Clock6 Pakistan170,762,000October 11, 20102.48%Official Pakistani Population clock7 Bangladesh164,425,00020102.39%2008 UN estimate for year 20108 Nigeria158,259,00020102.3%2008 UN estimate for year 20109 Russia141,927,297January 1, 20102.06%Federal State Statistics Service of Russia10 Japan127,390,000August 1, 20101.85%Official Japan Statistics Bureau11 Mexico108,396,211July 1, 20101.58%INEGI estimateNational Population Statistics of Mexico[4]12 Philippines94,013,200Mid-20101.37%National Statistics Office medium projection13 Vietnam85,846,997April 1, 20091.25%Final 2009 census results14 Ethiopia84,976,00020101.24%2008 UN estimate for year 201015 Germany81,802,257January 1, 20101.19%Eurostat estimate16 Egypt79,144,000October 11, 20101.15%Official Egyptian Population clock17 Iran75,078,00020101.09%2008 UN estimate for year 201018 Turkey72,561,312December 31, 20091.06%Turkish Statistical Institute estimate19 Dem. Rep. of Congo67,827,00020100.99%2008 UN estimate for year 201020 Thailand67,070,000December 1, 20091%The National Statistical Office Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of Thailand21 France65,447,374January 1, 20100.95%Official INSEE estimateThe figure for France without the overseas collectivities is 64,667,374.22 United Kingdom62,008,049January 1, 20100.9%Eurostat estimate23 Italy60,402,499March 31, 20100.88%Official ISTAT estimate24 Myanmar(Burma)50,496,00020100.73%2008 UN estimate for year 201025 South Africa49,991,300July 1, 20100.73%Statistics South Africa26 South Korea49,773,145December 31, 20090.72%Statistics Korea27 Spain46,072,834July 1, 20100.67%Official INE estimate28 Ukraine45,871,738June 1, 20100.67%Official UKRSTAT estimate29 Colombia45,658,000October 11, 20100.66%Official Colombian Population clock30 Tanzania45,040,00020100.66%2008 UN estimate for year 201031 Sudan43,192,00020100.63%2008 UN estimate for year 201032 Argentina40,518,951June 30, 20100.59%Official INDEC estimate33 Kenya38,610,097August 24-25, 20090.56%Official 2009 census results34 Poland38,167,329January 1, 20100.56%Eurostat estimate35 Algeria35,423,00020100.52%2008 UN estimate for year 201036 Canada34,274,000October 11, 20100.5%Official Canadian Population clock37 Uganda33,796,00020100.49%2008 UN estimate for year 201038 Morocco31,946,000October 11, 20100.46%Official Moroccan Population clock39 Iraq31,467,00020100.46%2008 UN estimate for year 201040 Nepal29,853,00020100.43%2008 UN estimate for year 201041 Peru29,461,933June 30, 20100.43%Official INEI estimate (in Spanish)42 Afghanistan29,117,00020100.42%2008 UN estimate for year 201043 Venezuela28,960,000October 11, 20100.42%Official Venezuelan Population clock44 Malaysia28,250,500July 20100.41%Statistic Department of Malaysia45 Uzbekistan27,794,00020100.4%2008 UN estimate for year 201046 Saudi Arabia27,136,977April 20100.39%Official Saudi population clock47 Ghana24,333,00020100.35%2008 UN estimate for year 201048 Yemen24,256,00020100.35%2008 UN estimate for year 201049 North Korea23,991,00020100.35%2008 UN estimate for year 201050 Mozambique23,406,00020100.34%2008 UN estimate for year 201051 Republic of China (Taiwan) 23,131,093March 31, 20100.34%Official National Statistics Taiwan estimate52 Syria22,505,00020100.33%2008 UN estimate for year 201053 Australia22,485,521October 11, 20100.33%Australian Official Population Clock54 Côte d'Ivoire21,571,00020100.31%2008 UN estimate for year 201055 Romania21,466,174January 1, 20100.31%Eurostat estimate56 Sri Lanka20,410,00020100.3%2008 UN estimate for year 201057 Madagascar20,146,00020100.29%2008 UN estimate for year 201058 Cameroon19,958,00020100.29%2008 UN estimate for year 201059 Angola18,993,00020100.28%2008 UN estimate for year 201060 Chile17,141,000October 11, 20100.25%Official INE projection (p.36)61 Netherlands16,620,000October 11, 20100.242%Official Netherlands population clock62 Burkina Faso16,287,00020100.24%2008 UN estimate for year 201063 Kazakhstan16,197,000January 1, 20100.24%National Statistics Agency estimate64 Niger15,891,00020100.23%2008 UN estimate for year 201065 Malawi15,692,00020100.23%2008 UN estimate for year 201066 Mali14,517,176April 1, 20090.21%Preliminary 2009 census result67 Guatemala14,377,00020100.21%2008 UN estimate for year 201068 Ecuador14,261,000October 11, 20100.21%Official Ecuadorian population clock69 Cambodia13,395,682March 3, 20080.19%Cambodian 2008 Census70 Zambia13,257,00020100.19%2008 UN estimate for year 201071 Senegal12,861,00020100.19%2008 UN estimate for year 201072 Zimbabwe12,644,00020100.18%2008 UN estimate for year 201073 Chad11,506,00020100.17%2008 UN estimate for year 201074 Greece11,306,183January 1, 20100.16%Eurostat estimate75 Cuba11,204,00020100.16%2008 UN estimate for year 201076 Belgium10,827,519January 1, 20100.16%Eurostat estimate77 Portugal10,636,888January 1, 20100.15%Eurostat estimate78 Czech Republic10,512,397January 1, 20100.15%Eurostat estimate79 Tunisia10,432,500July 1, 20090.15%National Statistics Institute of Tunisia80 Guinea10,324,00020100.15%2008 UN estimate for year 201081 Rwanda10,277,00020100.15%2008 UN estimate for year 201082 Dominican Republic10,225,00020100.15%2008 UN estimate for year 201083 Haiti10,188,00020100.15%2008 UN estimate for year 201084 Bolivia10,031,00020100.15%2008 UN estimate for year 201085 Hungary10,013,628January 1, 20100.15%Eurostat estimate86 Serbia9,856,00020100.14%2008 UN estimate for year 201087 Belarus9,467,700August 1, 20100.14%National Statistical Committee88 Sweden9,393,648August 31, 20100.14%Statistics Sweden89 Somalia9,359,00020100.14%2008 UN estimate for year 201090 Benin9,212,00020100.13%2008 UN estimate for year 201091 Azerbaijan8,997,400January 1, 20100.13%State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan92 Burundi8,519,00020100.12%2008 UN estimate for year 201093 Austria8,372,930January 1, 20100.12%Eurostat estimate94 Switzerland7,782,900December 31, 20090.11%Official Switzerland Statistics estimate95 Israel 7,640,800August 31, 20100.11%Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics96 Honduras7,616,00020100.11%2008 UN estimate for year 201097 Bulgaria7,576,751January 1, 20100.11%Eurostat estimate98 Tajikistan7,075,00020100.103%2008 UN estimate for year 201099 Hong Kong7,026,400December 31, 20090.102%Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department100 Papua New Guinea6,888,00020100.1%2008 UN estimate for year 2010101 Togo6,780,00020100.099%2008 UN estimate for year 2010102 Libya6,546,00020100.095%2008 UN estimate for year 2010103 Jordan6,472,00020100.094%2008 UN estimate for year 2010104 Paraguay6,460,00020100.094%2008 UN estimate for year 2010105 Laos6,436,00020100.094%2008 UN estimate for year 2010106 El Salvador6,194,00020100.09%2008 UN estimate for year 2010107 Sierra Leone5,836,00020100.085%2008 UN estimate for year 2010108 Nicaragua5,822,00020100.085%2008 UN estimate for year 2010109 Kyrgyzstan5,550,00020100.081%2008 UN estimate for year 2010110 Denmark5,543,819June 30, 20100.08%Statistics Denmark111 Slovakia5,429,763June 30, 20100.079%Statistics Slovakia112 Finland 5,370,100October 11, 20100.078%Official Finnish Population clock113 Eritrea5,224,00020100.076%2008 UN estimate for year 2010114 Turkmenistan5,177,00020100.075%2008 UN estimate for year 2010115 Singapore5,076,700June 30, 20100.074%Statistics Singapore116 Norway 4,906,900October 11, 20100.071%Official Norwegian Population clock117 United Arab Emirates4,707,00020100.068%2008 UN estimate for year 2010118 Costa Rica4,640,00020100.067%2008 UN estimate for year 2010119 Central African Republic4,506,00020100.066%2008 UN estimate for year 2010120 Ireland4,470,700April 20100.064%Irish Central Statistics Office estimate 2010121 Georgia 4,436,000January 1, 20100.065%National Statistics Office of Georgia122 Croatia4,435,056January 1, 20090.065%Eurostat estimate123 New Zealand4,393,300October 11, 20100.064%Official New Zealand Population clock124 Lebanon4,255,00020100.062%2008 UN estimate for year 2010125 Liberia4,102,00020100.06%2008 UN estimate for year 2010126 Puerto Rico3,998,00020100.058%2008 UN estimate for year 2010127 Palestinian territories3,935,2490.055%Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics128 Bosnia and Herzegovina3,760,00020100.055%2008 UN estimate for year 2010129 Republic of the Congo3,759,00020100.055%2008 UN estimate for year 2010130 Moldova 3,563,800January 1, 20100.052%National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova131 Uruguay3,372,00020100.049%2008 UN estimate for year 2010132 Mauritania3,366,00020100.049%2008 UN estimate for year 2010133 Lithuania3,329,227January 1, 20100.048%Eurostat estimate134 Panama3,322,576May 16, 20100.048%Official INEC preliminary 2010 census result135 Armenia3,238,000January 1, 20090.047%National Statistical Service of Armenia136 Albania3,195,000January 1, 20100.046%Institute of Statistics INSTAT Albania137 Kuwait3,051,00020100.044%2008 UN estimate for year 2010138 Oman2,905,00020100.042%2008 UN estimate for year 2010139 Mongolia2,776,700October 11, 20100.04%Official Mongolian population clock140 Jamaica2,730,00020100.04%2008 UN estimate for year 2010141 Latvia2,236,300October 1, 20100.033%Official Statistics of Latvia142 Namibia2,212,00020100.032%2008 UN estimate for year 2010143 Lesotho2,084,00020100.03%2008 UN estimate for year 2010144 Slovenia2,065,830October 11, 20100.03%Official Slovenian population clock145 Republic of Macedonia2,048,620January 1, 20090.03%Eurostat estimate146 Botswana1,978,00020100.029%2008 UN estimate for year 2010147 Gambia1,751,00020100.025%2008 UN estimate for year 2010148 Qatar1,696,563April 20, 20100.025%Preliminary 2010 Census Results149 Guinea-Bissau1,647,00020100.024%2008 UN estimate for year 2010150 Gabon1,501,00020100.022%2008 UN estimate for year 2010151 Trinidad and Tobago1,344,00020100.02%2008 UN estimate for year 2010152 Estonia1,340,127January 1, 20100.019%[2]153 Mauritius 1,297,00020100.019%2008 UN estimate for year 2010154 Swaziland1,202,00020100.017%2008 UN estimate for year 2010155 East Timor1,171,00020100.017%2008 UN estimate for year 2010156 Djibouti879,00020100.013%2008 UN estimate for year 2010157 Fiji854,00020100.012%2008 UN estimate for year 2010158 Bahrain807,00020100.012%2008 UN estimate for year 2010159 Cyprus 801,851January 1, 20100.012%Eurostat estimate160 Guyana761,00020100.011%2008 UN estimate for year 2010161 Bhutan708,00020100.01%2008 UN estimate for year 2010162 Equatorial Guinea [5]693,00020100.01%2008 UN estimate for year 2010163 Comoros 691,00020100.01%2008 UN estimate for year 2010164 Montenegro626,00020100.009%2008 UN estimate for year 2010165 Macau542,200December 31, 20090.008%Macau Statistics and Census Service166 Solomon Islands536,00020100.008%2008 UN estimate for year 2010167 Western Sahara530,00020100.008%2008 UN estimate for year 2010168 Suriname524,00020100.008%2008 UN estimate for year 2010169 Cape Verde513,00020100.007%2008 UN estimate for year 2010170 Luxembourg502,207January 1, 20100.007%Eurostat estimate171 Malta416,333January 1, 20100.006%Eurostat estimate172 Brunei407,00020100.006%2008 UN estimate for year 2010173 Bahamas346,00020100.005%2008 UN estimate for year 2010174 Belize322,100June 30, 20080.005%Statistical Institute of Belize175 Iceland318,006July 1, 20100.005%Statistics Iceland176 Maldives314,00020100.005%2008 UN estimate for year 2010177 Barbados257,00020100.004%2008 UN estimate for year 2010178 Vanuatu246,00020100.004%2008 UN estimate for year 2010179 Netherlands Antilles201,00020100.003%2008 UN estimate for year 2010180 Guam180,00020100.003%2008 UN estimate for year 2010181 Samoa179,00020100.003%2008 UN estimate for year 2010182 Saint Lucia174,00020100.003%2008 UN estimate for year 2010183 São Tomé and Príncipe165,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010184 Federated States of Micronesia111,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010185 U.S. Virgin Islands109,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010186 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines109,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010187 Aruba107,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010188 Grenada104,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010189 Tonga104,00020100.002%2008 UN estimate for year 2010190 Kiribati100,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010191 Jersey90,050Mid 20070.001%UN estimate: Series A, Table 2192 Antigua and Barbuda89,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010193 Northern Mariana Islands88,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010194 Seychelles85,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010195 Andorra84,082December 31, 20090.001%[3]196 Isle of Man80,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010197 American Samoa69,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010198 Dominica67,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010199 Bermuda65,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010200 Marshall Islands63,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010201 Guernsey61,811March 1, 20070.001%UN estimate: Series A, Table 2202 Greenland57,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010203 Cayman Islands57,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010204 Saint Kitts and Nevis52,00020100.001%2008 UN estimate for year 2010205 Faroe Islands48,760May 1, 20100.001%Official statistics of the Faroe Islands206 Liechtenstein35,904December 31, 20090.0005%[4]207 Monaco33,00020100.0005%2008 UN estimate for year 2010208 Turks and Caicos Islands33,00020100.0005%2008 UN estimate for year 2010209 San Marino31,794June 30, 20100.0005%San Marino's monthly official estimate210 Gibraltar31,00020100.0005%2008 UN estimate for year 2010211 British Virgin Islands23,0000.0003%UN estimate212 Cook Islands20,0000.0003%UN estimate213 Palau20,0000.0003%UN estimate214 Anguilla15,0000.0002%UN estimate215 Tuvalu10,0000.0001%UN estimate216 Nauru10,0000.0001%UN estimate217 Montserrat5,9000.0001%UN estimate218 Saint Helena 4,5000.0001%UN estimate219 Falkland Islands3,0000.00005%UN estimate220 Niue1,5000.00003%UN estimate221 Tokelau1,2000.00003%UN estimate222 Vatican City8000.00002%UN estimate223 Pitcairn Islands500.000001%UN estimate

What are the different perspective of sociology?

Ha un un eh

Where is the UN located?

The UN is located in Manhattan, New York City.

According to the 1999 UN Development Program the world's three richest men have as much wealth than the combined GNP of how many of the poorest countries?


What is the percentage of the population of the US compared to the world?

{| ! Rank ! Country/territory/entity ! Population ! Date ! % of world population ! Source | - World 6,671,226,000 July 1, 2007 100% UN estimate 1 People's Republic of China[3] 1,324,947,000 July 15, 2008 19.86% Chinese Population clock 2 India 1,135,399,700 July 15, 2008 17.02% [ Indian Population clock] 3 United States 304,601,000 July 15, 2008 4.57% Official USA Population clock 4 Indonesia 231,627,0003.47% UN estimate 5 Brazil 187,255,000 July 15, 2008 2.81% Official Brazilian Population clock 6 Pakistan 163,809,000 July 15, 2008 2.46% Official Pakistani Population clock 7 Bangladesh 158,665,0002.38% UN estimate 8 Nigeria 148,093,0002.22% UN estimate 9 Russia 141,912,800 May 1, 2008 2.13% Federal State Statistics Service 10 Japan 127,690,000 May 1, 2008 1.91% Official Japan Statistics Bureau estimate 11 Mexico 106,682,500 mid-2008 1.6% INEGI projection 12 Philippines 88,574,614 August 1, 2007 1.33% 2007 Official NSO Census Results 13 Vietnam 87,375,0001.31% UN estimate 14 Germany 82,217,800 December 31, 2007 1.23% Federal Statistics Office estimate 15 Ethiopia 79,221,000 July 2008 1.19% Ethiopia Central Statistics Agency 16 Egypt 75,046,000 July 4, 2008 1.12% Official population clock 17 Turkey 70,586,256 December 31, 2007 1.06% Turkish Statistical Institute 18 Iran 70,495,782 November, 2006 1.06% Statistical Center of IRAN 19 France (incl. overseas France) 64,473,140 January 1, 2008 0.97% Official INSEE estimate 20 Thailand 63,038,247 December 31, 2007 0.94% Official Thai Statistics estimate 21 Dem. Rep. of Congo 62,636,0000.94% UN estimate 22 United Kingdom 60,587,300 June 30, 2006 0.91% Official ONS estimate 23 Italy 59,619,290 December 31, 2007 0.89% Official Istat estimate 24 Myanmar 48,798,0000.73% UN estimate 25 South Korea 48,224,0000.72% UN estimate 26 South Africa 47,850,700 July 1, 2007 0.72% Official Stat SA estimate 27 Ukraine 46,263,079 May 1, 2008 0.69% Official UKRSTAT estimate 28 Spain 46,063,000 January 1, 2008 0.68% Official INE estimate 29 Colombia 44,090,118 May 5, 2008 0.66% Official Colombian Population clock 30 Argentina 41,000,000 September 2007 0.61% Official INDEC estimate 31 Tanzania 40,454,0000.61% UN estimate 32 Sudan 38,560,0000.58% UN estimate 33 Poland 38,115,967 June 30, 2007 0.57% Official GUS estimate 34 Kenya 37,538,0000.56% UN estimate 35 Algeria 33,858,0000.51% UN estimate 36 Canada 33,318,500 July 15, 2008 0.5% Official Canadian Population clock 37 Morocco 31,224,0000.47% UN estimate 38 Uganda 30,884,0000.46% UN estimate 39 Iraq 28,993,0000.43% UN estimate 40 Peru 28,750,770 June 30, 2007 0.43% Official INEI estimate[4] 41 Nepal 28,196,0000.42% UN estimate 42 Venezuela 27,933,000 Jun 27, 2008 0.42% Official Venezuelan Population clock 43 Uzbekistan 27,372,0000.41% UN estimate 44 Malaysia 27,170,000 July 13, 2007 0.41% Department of Statistics Malaysia 45 Afghanistan 27,145,0000.41% UN estimate 46 Saudi Arabia 24,735,0000.37% UN estimate 47 North Korea 23,790,0000.36% UN estimate 48 Ghana 23,478,0000.35% UN estimate 49 Republic of China (Taiwan)[5] 22,990,000 April 30, 2008 0.34% Official National Statistics Taiwan estimate 50 Yemen 22,389,0000.34% UN estimate 51 Romania 21,438,0000.32% UN estimate 52 Mozambique 21,397,0000.32% UN estimate 53 Australia[6] 21,357,022 July 7, 2008 0.32% Official Australian Population clock 54 Syria 19,929,0000.3% UN estimate 55 Madagascar 19,683,0000.3% UN estimate 56 Sri Lanka 19,299,0000.29% UN estimate 57 Côte d'Ivoire 19,262,0000.29% UN estimate 58 Cameroon 18,549,0000.28% UN estimate 59 Angola 17,024,0000.26% UN estimate 60 Chile 16,763,470 June 30, 2008 0.25% Official INE projection 61 Netherlands 16,435,316 July 9, 2008 0.25% Official Netherlands Population clock 62 Kazakhstan 15,422,0000.23% UN estimate 63 Burkina Faso 14,784,0000.22% UN estimate 64 Cambodia 14,444,0000.22% UN estimate 65 Niger 14,226,0000.21% UN estimate 66 Malawi 13,925,0000.21% UN estimate 67 Guatemala 13,354,0000.2% UN estimate 68 Zimbabwe 13,349,0000.2% UN estimate 69 Ecuador 13,341,0000.2% UN estimate 70 Senegal 12,379,0000.19% UN estimate 71 Mali 12,337,0000.18% UN estimate 72 Zambia 11,922,0000.18% UN estimate 73 Cuba 11,268,0000.17% UN estimate 74 Greece 11,147,0000.17% UN estimate 75 Chad 10,781,0000.16% UN estimate 76 Portugal 10,623,0000.16% UN estimate 77 Belgium 10,584,534 January 1, 2007 0.16% Official Statbel estimate 78 Czech Republic 10,403,136 March 31, 2008 0.16% Official ČSÚ estimate 79 Tunisia 10,327,0000.15% UN estimate 80 Hungary 10,043,000 January 31, 2008 0.15% Hungarian Central Statistical Office 81 Serbia[7] 9,858,0000.15% UN estimate 82 Dominican Republic 9,760,0000.15% UN estimate 83 Rwanda 9,725,0000.15% UN estimate 84 Belarus 9,690,000 December 31, 2007 0.15% Official statistics of Belarus 85 Haiti 9,598,0000.14% UN estimate 86 Bolivia 9,525,0000.14% UN estimate 87 Guinea 9,370,0000.14% UN estimate 88 Sweden 9,201,650 April 30, 2008 0.14% Statistics Sweden 89 Benin 9,033,0000.14% UN estimate 90 Somalia 8,699,0000.13% UN estimate 91 Burundi 8,508,0000.13% UN estimate 92 Azerbaijan 8,467,0000.13% UN estimate 93 Austria 8,340,924 April 1, 2008 0.12% Official Statistics Austria estimate 94 Bulgaria 7,640,238 December 31, 2007 0.11% National Statistical Institute 95 Switzerland 7,628,600 April 30, 2008 0.11% Swiss Federal Statistical Office 96 Israel 7,282,400[8] April 30, 2008 0.11% Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics 97 Honduras 7,106,0000.11% UN estimate - Hong Kong 6,963,100 December 31, 2007 0.11% Census and Statistics Department of Hong Kong 98 El Salvador 6,857,0000.1% UN estimate 99 Tajikistan 6,736,0000.1% UN estimate 100 Togo 6,585,0000.099% UN estimate 101 Papua New Guinea 6,331,0000.095% UN estimate 102 Libya 6,160,0000.092% UN estimate 103 Paraguay 6,127,0000.092% UN estimate 104 Jordan 5,924,0000.089% UN estimate 105 Sierra Leone 5,866,0000.088% UN estimate 106 Laos 5,859,0000.088% UN estimate 107 Nicaragua 5,603,0000.084% UN estimate 108 Denmark 5,482,266 March 31, 2008 0.082% Statistics Denmark 109 Slovakia 5,402,273 March 31, 2008 0.081% Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic 110 Kyrgyzstan 5,317,0000.08% UN estimate 111 Finland 5,314,303[9] July 13, 2008 0.08% Official Finnish Population clock 112 Turkmenistan 4,965,0000.074% UN estimate 113 Eritrea 4,851,0000.073% UN estimate 114 Norway 4,771,934[10] July 13, 2008 0.071% Official Norwegian Population clock 115 Singapore 4,588,600 mid-2007 0.069% Statistics Singapore 116 Croatia 4,555,0000.068% UN estimate 117 Costa Rica 4,468,0000.067% UN estimate 118 Georgia 4,395,000[11]0.066% UN estimate 119 United Arab Emirates 4,380,0000.066% UN estimate 120 Central African Republic 4,343,0000.065% UN estimate 121 Ireland 4,339,000 April 30, 2007 0.065% Official CSO Ireland Statistics 122 New Zealand 4,269,165 July 11, 2008 0.064% Official New Zealand Population clock 123 Lebanon 4,099,0000.061% UN estimate 124 Puerto Rico 3,991,0000.06% UN estimate 125 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,935,0000.059% UN estimate 126 Moldova 3,794,000[12]0.057% UN estimate 127 Republic of the Congo 3,768,0000.056% UN estimate 128 Palestinian territories 3,761,646 December 1, 2007 0.056% Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics - 2007 Census 129 Liberia 3,750,0000.056% UN estimate - Somaliland 3,500,000 Date unknown 0.052% Somaliland government 130 Lithuania 3,361,100 April 1, 2008 0.051% Statistics Lithuania 131 Panama 3,343,0000.05% UN estimate 132 Uruguay 3,340,0000.05% UN estimate 133 Albania 3,190,0000.048% UN estimate 134 Mauritania 3,124,0000.047% UN estimate 135 Armenia 3,002,0000.045% UN estimate 136 Kuwait 2,851,0000.043% UN estimate 137 Jamaica 2,714,0000.041% UN estimate 138 Mongolia 2,629,0000.039% UN estimate 139 Oman 2,595,0000.039% UN estimate 140 Latvia 2,268,000 May 1, 2008 0.034% Latvijas Statistika - Kosovo 2,126,708 2007 0.031% The World Factbook 141 Namibia 2,074,0000.031% UN estimate 142 Macedonia 2,038,0000.031% UN estimate 143 Slovenia 2,028,683 June 23, 2008 0.031% Official Slovenian population clock 144 Lesotho 2,008,0000.03% UN estimate 145 Botswana 1,882,0000.028% UN estimate 146 Gambia 1,709,0000.026% UN estimate 147 Guinea-Bissau 1,695,0000.025% UN estimate 148 Estonia 1,340,600 January 1, 2008 0.02% Statistics Estonia 149 Trinidad and Tobago 1,333,0000.02% UN estimate 150 Gabon 1,331,0000.02% UN estimate 151 Mauritius 1,262,000[13]0.019% UN estimate 152 East Timor 1,155,0000.017% UN estimate 153 Swaziland 1,141,0000.017% UN estimate 154 Cyprus 855,000[14]0.013% UN estimate 155 Qatar 841,000[15]0.013% UN estimate 156 Djibouti 833,0000.012% UN estimate 157 Fiji 827,900 2007 0.013% Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics - Réunion[16] 793,000 January 1, 2007 0.012% Official INSEE estimate 158 Bahrain 760,168 Date unknown 0.011% Kingdom of Bahrain Government Statistics 159 Guyana 738,0000.011% UN estimate 160 Comoros 682,000[17] July 2007 0.01% World Gazetteer projection 161 Bhutan 658,0000.01% UN estimate 162 Montenegro 598,0000.009% UN estimate - Macau 538,100 December 31, 2007 0.008% Statistics and Census Service of Macau 163 Cape Verde 530,0000.008% UN estimate 164 Equatorial Guinea[18] 507,0000.008% UN estimate 165 Solomon Islands 506,9920.007% [2] 166 Western Sahara 480,0000.007% UN estimate 167 Luxembourg 483,800 January 1, 2008 0.007% Le portail des statistiques du Luxenbourg 168 Suriname 458,0000.007% UN estimate - Guadeloupe[16] 408,000 January 1, 2007 0.006% INSEE estimate (minus the populations of Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy) 169 Malta 407,0000.006% UN estimate - Martinique[16] 401,000 January 1, 2007 0.006% Official INSEE estimate 170 Brunei 390,0000.006% UN estimate 171 Bahamas 331,0000.005% UN estimate 172 Iceland 316,252 April 1, 2008 0.005% Hagstofa Íslands 173 Maldives 306,0000.005% UN estimate 174 Barbados 294,0000.004% UN estimate 175 Belize 288,0000.004% UN estimate - French Polynesia[16] 259,596 August 20, 2007 0.004% August 2007 census - New Caledonia[16] 244,600 January 1, 2008 0.004% Official ISEE estimate 176 Vanuatu 226,0000.003% UN estimate - French Guiana[16] 209,000 January 1, 2007 0.003% Official INSEE estimate 177 Netherlands Antilles192,0000.003% UN estimate 178 Samoa 188,540 2008 0.003% Samoa Statistics Department - Mayotte[16] 186,452 July 31, 2007 0.003% July 2007 census 179 Guam 173,0000.003% UN estimate 180 Saint Lucia 165,0000.002% UN estimate 181 São Tomé and Príncipe 158,0000.002% UN estimate 182 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 120,0000.002% UN estimate 183 U.S. Virgin Islands 111,0000.002% UN estimate 184 Federated States of Micronesia 111,0000.002% UN estimate 185 Grenada 106,0000.002% UN estimate 186 Aruba 104,0000.002% UN estimate 187 Tonga 100,0000.001% UN estimate 188 Kiribati 95,0000.001% UN estimate 189 Jersey 89,300 December 31, 2006 0.001% [3] 190 Seychelles 87,0000.001% UN estimate 191 Antigua and Barbuda 85,0000.001% UN estimate 192 Northern Mariana Islands84,0000.001% UN estimate 193 Andorra 83,137 December 31, 2007 0.001% [4] 194 Isle of Man 80,058 2006 0.001% Isle of Man Government 195 Dominica 67,0000.001% UN estimate 196 American Samoa 67,0000.001% UN estimate 197 Guernsey 65,726 July 2008 0.001% The World Factbook 198 Bermuda 65,0000.001% UN estimate 199 Marshall Islands 59,0000.001% UN estimate 200 Greenland 58,0000.001% UN estimate 201 Saint Kitts and Nevis 50,0000.001% UN estimate 202 Faroe Islands 48,570 May 1, 2008 0.001% Official statistics of the Faroe Islands 203 Cayman Islands 47,0000.001% UN estimate 204 Liechtenstein 35,365 December 31, 2007 0.0005% Statistik Liechtenstein - Saint-Martin[16] 33,102[citation needed] October 2004 0.0005% October 2004 supplementary census[citation needed] 205 Monaco 33,0000.0005% UN estimate 206 San Marino 31,0000.0005% UN estimate 207 Gibraltar 28,875 2006 0.0004% Government of Gibraltar - information services 208 Turks and Caicos Islands 26,0000.0004% UN estimate 209 British Virgin Islands 23,0000.0003% UN estimate 210 Cook Islands 20,200[19] September 2007 0.0002% Statistics office 211 Palau 20,0000.0003% UN estimate - Wallis and Futuna[16] 15,0000.0002% UN estimate 212 Anguilla 13,0000.0002% UN estimate 213 Tuvalu 11,0000.0002% UN estimate 214 Nauru 10,0000.0001% UN estimate - Saint-Barthélemy[16] 8,450 January 1, 2007 0.0001% January 2007 census 215 Saint Helena6,600[20]0.0001% UN estimate - Saint-Pierre and Miquelon[16] 6,125 January 1, 2006 0.0001% January 2006 census 216 Montserrat5,9000.0001% UN estimate 217 Falkland Islands 3,0000.00005% UN estimate 218 Niue 1,6000.00003% UN estimate 219 Tokelau 1,4000.00003% UN estimate 220 Vatican City 8000.00002% UN estimate 221 Pitcairn Islands 500.000001% UN estimate |}

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How much do you need to pay to be a country in UN?

Please help me!

How much does chapo guzman get in a year?

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How much money does UN cost per year?

Un ios 15-20 billion usd

How does the UN get money to operate?

The members pay dues to be in the UN. big western countries pay the most

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What is the UN 2010 theme?

This year is the year of youth and the UN's theme for this year is "Dialogue and Mutual Understanding"