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ugh there was 10000kgs in fatman aka 100 sticks

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Q: How much plutonium is in an average atomic bomb?
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How much plutonium was USED in little boy?

The Little Boy bomb had not plutonium.

How much plutonium used in nuclear bomb?

In the Nagasaki bomb, about 14 pounds. Design criteria on later weapons is classified.

How you build an atomic bomb?

To make a fission atomic bomb you just take either uranium or plutonium, which are fast-fission materials and find a way to smash the soul out of them so they can make neutrons to continue the chain reaction. You either just take some fissionable uranium, make a bullet out of one and a ball of the other, build a cannon-shaped bomb that shoots the bullet of uranium into the ball of uranium at the end of the barrel - and boom. To make the second kind, you need some plutonium. Plutonium is easy to obtain but it is extremely hard to make into a bomb, because if you shoot two masses of plutonium together like the uranium bomb style, they fission so much easier that they start reacting before they touch and blow themselves apart before anything can fission, so you will need to make a ball of plutonium crush in itself using a shock wave made by a explosion. You surround a ball of fissionable plutonium with explosive stuff. When the surrounding explosives goes boom, the shock waves made by the explosives hits the ball. This causes the plutonium to supercompress itself together - and boom.

What are the results of atomic bomb?

Pretty much the destruction of everything in a huge radius.

How much uranium is usually in a nuclear bomb?

Cca. 50 kg of highly enriched uranium. Now nuclear bombs use plutonium, not uranium.

Related questions

How much plutonium is in the second atomic bomb?

Nagasaki (Japan) - 9 August 1945 - a bomb containing 6,4 kg of Plutonium 239

How much plutonium would be required to make an atomic bomb as powerful as the one devastated in Nagasaki in World War 2?

Approx. 10 kg of plutonium 239.

How much plutonium was USED in little boy?

The Little Boy bomb had not plutonium.

How much TNT is in a Plutonium Bomb?

Nuclear weapons with plutonium don't contain TNT.

How much plutonium used in nuclear bomb?

In the Nagasaki bomb, about 14 pounds. Design criteria on later weapons is classified.

What does an atomic bomb use for its exploding power?

That depends, an atomic weapon from WWII was armed with plutonium 239, bombs now use a more dangerous Uranium armament. In order to use the bomb, a smaller explosion much trigger a chain reaction explosion in order to create, for lack of better terms, a "big bang".