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In first Samuel, King Saul is desribed as being head and shoulders above all the people of Israel and that there was no one like him in the kingdom. (1st Samuel 10:23-24) People were in general shorter in ancient times than we are today as evidenced by relics of armor found from various periods. The Giant Goliath was listed as nearly 10 feet tall, and King Saul was afraid of his stature, so clearer Saul was no where near this height. If we assume a "tall" Israelite would be 6'0" in height, then Saul would most likely have stood somewhere around 7'0" per the description of "head and shoulders above all the people." Goliath would still appear fearful to him with this obviously sizeable height disadvantage. King David would have been of kingly stature as the annointed one of God, but the only reference we have of this the description of Saul's height. Before David went to fight Goliath, Saul offered him his very own armor. David denied taken it as he said "he was not used to them."(1st Samuel 17:39) It would be silly for Saul to offer Samuel his armor if they were of vastly differing sizes, obviously he would be dwarfed. Note David said he was not used to them, not that they were too big. Based on this information as the only reference we have that sheds light on King David's height, I think we can assume he was between 6"10 and 7'1" tall. One may raise the point, "if there was no one like him and he was head and shoulders above all the others, how could david then be as tall as Saul?" When looking at this, we must remember that Saul was 30 when annointed king and reigned for 42 years. David was a young man when they me and was most likely not born or only a small child when Saul was crowned king.

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The Bible doesn't mention how tall Eve was.

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Adam was 14 feet tall and lived for 962 years

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two in half thousand meters

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five feet

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