

How to be happy?

Updated: 12/16/2023
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11y ago

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Being happy comes down to our own choices. We humans are motivated by things that reward us in one way or another, and in that process we forget our own happpiness. Being happy is Peace, being happy is Sovereign.

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Lvl 2
8mo ago
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Emily Spurgin

Lvl 1
3mo ago
no im not supporting you. just to be happy
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Sureka Damayanthi U ...

Lvl 3
3w ago

Happiness, that elusive muse, is a masterpiece painted with the vibrant hues of personal fulfillment and positive connections. Imagine your life as a canvas, and consider these brushstrokes to create your own portrait of joy:

  1. **Embrace the Palette of Gratitude:** Splash your canvas with the colors of gratitude. Regularly reflect on the small joys, acknowledging them with a thankful heart. Gratitude is the brushstroke that adds depth to your happiness.

  2. **Dance in the Rain of Mindfulness:** Engage in the art of mindfulness, savoring each moment without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It's the delicate brushstroke that brings clarity and serenity to the canvas of your existence.

  3. **Compose Symphony of Connection:** Weave the threads of meaningful relationships into the fabric of your life. Human connections are the lively strokes that add melody and harmony to your happiness composition.

  4. **Explore the Landscape of Passion:** Unearth your passions and immerse yourself in the exploration of your interests. Each endeavor is a bold brushstroke, contributing to the vivid tapestry of your happiness.

  5. **Sculpt Self-Compassion:** Mold self-compassion into the contours of your self-perception. Be gentle with yourself, understanding that imperfections are the unique strokes that make your canvas authentically yours.

  6. **Chase the Horizon of Growth:** Evolve and grow, for growth is the evolving brushstroke that adds dynamic movement and depth to your life's masterpiece. Embrace challenges as opportunities for expansion.

  7. **Breathe Life into Laughter:** Sprinkle laughter liberally across your canvas. It's the spontaneous brushstroke that lightens the mood and infuses your masterpiece with the joyous spirit of play.

Remember, the canvas of happiness is an ever-evolving work of art. Embrace the creative process, experiment with different brushstrokes, and revel in the unique masterpiece that is your life.

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11y ago

If you were in pain, and you asked "How do I become comfortable?", the answer would be "Understand what is creating your pain, and then address it". To become happy, you first need to identify the cause of your unhappiness. The cause of our unwanted emotions and unhappiness is thoughts. To get a more detailed understanding of what thoughts are creating your emotions, and what to do with those thoughts.

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Anushka Singh

Lvl 2
3y ago

There are 5 pillars to be happy in life. Everyone should follow these steps.

Change Your Mindset

Spend Some Time Outside

Help Others Honestly

Get Enough Sleep

Think Positive

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myhappi fy

Lvl 2
3y ago

DON'T COMPARE YOUR actual self to a hypothetical self.

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