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This will greatly affect the texture and volume of the cake. Begin with a few drops and taste the mixture.

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Q: I want to substitute 1 cup of shredded coconut for coconut flavoring. How do I measure the flavoring so it's not too much?
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How much shredded coconut is in a standard box?

I didnt know coconut came in a box, just a bag, and its usually any size from an oz to a pound.

How many cups is 7 oz of shredded coconut?

It would probably be about 3 cups. You should measure weight when baking! Cups is a measure of volume. Pounds is a measure of weight and mass. You can not directly convert the two. Based on a recent effort working with raw (brown, drilled, water removed, then skin the meat), shelled, and shredded coconuts. I found that about 3.5 oz per moderately packed cup. I.E. - Loose fill push just slightly then top off/level. Of course this coconut meat is still relatively wet (not dried) Everything was weighed before packing So that translates to 3.5 oz (weight) per cup of shredded And about 4 and a 2/3rd shredded cups per lb of raw shelled/skinned coconut meat

What is one way you measure flavoring?

You can use plastic or metal measuring utensils for measuring flavoring.

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Can you substitute all purpose flour for coconut flour?

Whether or not coconut flour can be substituted with all-purpose flour depends on the recipe in question. Coconut flour does not have the protein called gluten that is in all-purpose flour, so their baking characteristics are quite different.

How many deciliter in 1 can of coconut milk?

A "can of coconut milk" is not a unit of measure! However, to give you the benefit of the doubt, had you said "How many deciliters in a 400ml can of coconut milk" then the answer would have been 4.