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Q: If enough energy was added to remove an electron for calcium which energy level would the electron be removed?
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Why does your body need a continuous supply for oxygen?

Your body needs a continuous supply of oxygen due to the biochemical process of aerobic cellular respiration. During the last stage, called the electron transport chain, electrons are transferred along a series of chemicals called electron acceptors. As this occurs, energy is given off to produce molecules of ATP, the energy storage molecule of living things. Oxygen is the last electron acceptor, and once it gains the electrons it bonds with hydrogen to form water, removing the oxygen from the electron transport chain. If a new oxygen atom does not take its place immediately, the electron transport chain shuts down, and your cells will not be able to produce enough ATP to fuel their cellular processes, and they will die, and so will you. So you need a constant supply of oxygen in order to keep the electron transport chain working and producing enough energy (stored in ATP) for survival.

What are the side effects of taking too much calcium?

Our kidneys generally get rid of the excess calcium that we take in. However, too much calcium may lead to the formation of kidney stones. Since the kidneys are getting rid of a lot of calcium, the calcium crystals precipitate in the urine and if we do not take enough water, they form bigger and bigger crystals. Luckily now, kidney stones may be removed non-surgically.

Was glass made from sand?

Glass is clear because of the minerals. Rocks and Minerals get melted in a huge container and they let it cool. Then it just hardens and you get that clear view from the melted rocks and minerals. ***That answer is wrong*** I'll explain it as simply as possible so that you can understand the kind of thing that happens but to really understand you'll have to study the topic and get to understand how atoms, molecules and photons work. Basically, understand that in an atom there are levels of energy... for the sake of understanding just think of it sort of like an onion. There are layers, each layer furthest from the center is a higher energy. Electrons in a given atom have an energy level in the atom where they are generally most comfortable and they stay there most of the time. When a photon comes along (particle of light) it will want to take that spot where the electron is. It will try to knock the electron out of the way to make room for itself. Now, the photon only has a certain amount of energy. Depending on, due to the specific type of atom we are talking about, how far away the next available level of energy is and therefor how much energy is needed to knock the electron out of its place to the next energy level, the photon may or may not have enough energy to succeed in getting the electron out of the way so that it can claim its energy space (get absorbed by the atom). If the photon meets a type of atom that has an accessible energy level for the photon to displace the electron than the photon gets adsorbed and the substance is opaque. If the atom's next energy level is too high, and the photon does not have the energy to move the electron to the next level, than the photon passes through and the substance is transparent. There is more to it but that will give you the idea.

Why geothermal energy is unlikely to become a main energy source?

Areas that are not geologically active do not produce enough energy to meet our needs.

Why does air near the Earth's surface have to be moist in order for a thunderstorm to form?

The energy that drives a thunderstorm comes from the latent heat stored in water vapor. This energy is released when the water vapor condenses. If there is not enough moisture then there is not enough energy.