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It helps to understand WHY water with impurities is a good conductor. The reason is because, if the impurities contain ions (as is usually the case), those are relatively free to move within the water. In the case of ice, the ions would be trapped, and can't move easily.

It helps to understand WHY water with impurities is a good conductor. The reason is because, if the impurities contain ions (as is usually the case), those are relatively free to move within the water. In the case of ice, the ions would be trapped, and can't move easily.

It helps to understand WHY water with impurities is a good conductor. The reason is because, if the impurities contain ions (as is usually the case), those are relatively free to move within the water. In the case of ice, the ions would be trapped, and can't move easily.

It helps to understand WHY water with impurities is a good conductor. The reason is because, if the impurities contain ions (as is usually the case), those are relatively free to move within the water. In the case of ice, the ions would be trapped, and can't move easily.

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13y ago

It helps to understand WHY water with impurities is a good conductor. The reason is because, if the impurities contain ions (as is usually the case), those are relatively free to move within the water. In the case of ice, the ions would be trapped, and can't move easily.

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Is water an insulator or conductor?

Pure water (distilled water) is an insulator. Generally we think of water as a conductor because there are impurity ions in the water, such as tap water. Pure water can't be called a conductor, but it can also conduct electricity.

Is a wood log a insulator or an conductor?

Wood in itself is an insulator. But when wet, the water particles can conduct electricity.. Hence wet wood will be a conductor, although not a very good conductor, since the current passes only through a very small area

Is water a conductor or a insulator of electricity?

Pure water is an insulator. Only impure water, ie. water that contains ions, will conduct electricity, as to why H2O does not break into the H ions and OH ions and then conduct electricity, to be honest, I don't yet know. But I suspect that the electrons flowing through are not vibrating at the correct frequency to excite the electrons that hold the two ions together to break apart.

Is Salt Water an insulator or a conductor?

salt water is a good conductor of electricity as it contains sodium and chloride ions to carry out current

Why is impure water a good conductor?

AS YOU KNOW THAT THE FORMULA OF WATER IS H2O,in this two ions are present H+ and -OH ions ,the impure water has other particles of salts like Ca++ , Mg++ etc , in this way if we pass electricity they easily ionized and dissociated into its ions so, than pure water it is more ideal to conduct electricity .that is why impure water good conductor of heat and electricity.