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Q: In Thomson's plum pudding model the mass of the atom is in the?
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What did jj Thomson think the atom looked like?

Plum pudding. . .with negatively charged rasins and positivly charged blob

What was the plum-pudding atomic model?

The plum pudding model of the atom, forwarded by J.J. Thomson, stated that the atom was like a plum pudding. The negatively charged electrons were evenly distributed throughout a positive "web" or "soup" much like plums in plum pudding are distributed here and there in the pudding. It was Rutherford, based on his observations with the gold foil experiment, who was able to push this theory aside and cause a shift in thinking to the idea that most of the mass of the atom was concentrated in a small volume within a given atom.

How is the Bohr atomic model different from the plum-pudding model?

In Bohr's model , the atoms mass is found at its center instead of distributed throughout.this is for apex

If the Thomson model of the atom had been correct Rutherford would have observed?

Before we state the results of the Rutherford gold foil experiment based on the correctness of the Thomson plum pudding model, let's back up and review just a bit. Atoms were thought to be made up of electrons distributed in a positive "matrix" of sorts. With the electrons "evenly distributed" throughout the volume of the atom, a parallel or comparison was made to plum pudding. The plums, which were "scattered" throughout the pudding, were thought of as the electrons in the atom. This is the basis for the plum pudding model of the atom. The gold foil experiment that Rutherford proposed was set up, and alpha particles were "fired" at gold foil from an alpha source (alpha emitter). As the alpha particles were known to be massive compared to an electron, an experiment on atoms conforming to the plum pudding model of the atom would show that the alpha particles zip right through. There would be nothing anywhere near as massive as an alpha particle in the plum pudding atom to stop or scatter them. All the alpha particles would strike the target screen behind the foil in a direct line from the source. When the experiment was actually conducted, most of the alpha particles struck as expected. But a few were scattered in different directions, and this was "impossible" if the atom was constructed as suggested by the plum pudding model. What internal structure in the plum pudding atom could possibly deflect (scatter) a few (or any!) alpha particles? The plum pudding model was set aside, and Rutherford's suggestion was that most of the mass of the atom was concentrated as a positive charge in the center in what we call a nucleus.

In Bohr's model which particles make up the most mass of the atom?

the electron particles make up the mostr mass

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What is the origin of the name of the element rutherfordium?

Named for the famous chemist Ernest Rutherford who improved on the "plum pudding" model of the atom by postulating a nucleus which contained most of the atom's mass.

What was Ernest Rutherford model of the atom?

He described the mass of an atom was located in a single point not equally shared as the plumb pudding model suggested it. However he did not use the term nucleus in his report.

What is the plum pudding model and who come up with it?

The plum pudding model suggested that the electrons were dispersed throughout the atom (like chocolate chips in a cookie) and the space was positively charged so that in the end the atom was neutral. Today, people know that the electrons are in a "cloud" around the atom and the protons (and neutrons) are in the nucleus, at the center of the atom.

What is the Thomson model of the atom?

J.J. Thompson's model of the atom is also known as the "plum pudding" model. Thompson modeled the atom as a mixture of positive protons amongst negatively charged electrons.Ernest Rutherford proved this model to be incorrect when he showed that the positive protons of an atom are located in the central nucleus. If the nucleus of a hydrogen atom were expanded to the size of a tennis ball, the electrons surrounding the nucleus would be (on average) several kilometers away from the nucleus.

What did jj Thomson think the atom looked like?

Plum pudding. . .with negatively charged rasins and positivly charged blob

What was the plum-pudding atomic model?

The plum pudding model of the atom, forwarded by J.J. Thomson, stated that the atom was like a plum pudding. The negatively charged electrons were evenly distributed throughout a positive "web" or "soup" much like plums in plum pudding are distributed here and there in the pudding. It was Rutherford, based on his observations with the gold foil experiment, who was able to push this theory aside and cause a shift in thinking to the idea that most of the mass of the atom was concentrated in a small volume within a given atom.