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BY JOBS , unemployment thats easy omg

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Q: In what ways does immigration affect the US?
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How did technology affect migration?

different ways of travel can affect the rate of immigration.

How does immigration affect the us today?

Immigration affects us in diverse ways, as people migrate they take along their culture, religion, and tradition. Immigrants also bring along crimes which affects the society negatively.

How does immigration affect taxes in the US?

immigrants are hurting the economy

Does foreclosure affect us immigration status?

No, foreclosure doesn't affect immigration status. Now, if you commit crimes, then you may jeopardize your potential to become a citizen.

How did immigration quota lawas affect immigration into the US in the 1920s?

The Quota acts prevented immigration..haha

What is the effect of immigration on society in the US on language?

Nothing really you will have alot of people that talk different languages immigration doesnt affect the language spoken in the US.