

Is are atmosphere mostly oxygen

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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no its mostly carbon deoxide

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Q: Is are atmosphere mostly oxygen
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Which planet's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen?

Earth's atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen and oxygen; but the planet itself is more than just its atmosphere - overall Earth, like other terrestrial planets, is mostly made from rock (silicates) with a nickel-iron core. (By comparison, overall the outer gas planets are mostly made from hydrogen and helium.) By relative abundance, oxygen is also the most common element in the Earth's crust.

Compare the four inner planets atmosphere?

Mercury has virtually no atmosphere. Planet with thinnest Venus has a extremely dense atmosphere of mostly sulphur compared to Earth. Planet with densest. Earth has a moderately dense atmosphere of nearly 3 quarters nitrogen and oxygen. Planet with 2nd from densest. Mars has a thin atmosphere of mostly carbon and some oxygen. Planet with 2nd thinnest.

What is the major difference between mars atmosphere and Earth atmosphere?

Mars's atmosphere is thinner than Earth's atmosphere, Earth's atmosphere is also mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen, while Mars' is mostly Carbon Dioxide. Mars also doesn't have an ozone layer to protect it from ultra-violet rays.

What is the percentage of the atmosphere made up of oxygen?

The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is approximately 21%. Nitrogen makes up 78% and the last 2% percent is a mixture of various different gases, mostly argon.

What is the atmosphere like in mars comparedd to earths?

mars has very thin atmosphere made mostly out of Carbon dioxide(about 95%) and almost no Oxygen (0.2%)