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Actually, no. Barbed wire is more for cattle and not horses. Many horses get tangled up in it in a huge variety of ways and it will cut them to pieces. There are a wide variety of Fencing options for horses from cheap to outrageously expensive. Electric fencing is probably the most economical. Use the electric poly tape, not the traditional wire, which is more for other livestock such as cattle, pigs, etc. The polytape is wide, colored bright white, or yellow and white, and much easier for the horses to see, so they are less likely to run into it and tear it down or hurt themselves. There are also many types of wooden rail fences and plastic and rubber coated rail fences. Most horse magazines have advertisements all throughout and especially in the back in the advertisement section that will give you lots of ideas of the types of fencing available.

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Q: Is barbed wire good for enclosing horses?
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How did barbed wire change agriculture?

Barbed wire changed agriculture because, back before barbed wire was invented animals or livestock could wander freely. So, when the farmers decided that they needed to stop that from happening the put up barbed wire fences. The barbed wire fences had sharp " barbs " on the end of them so when the animals would walk up to it and touch it, it would poke them and they usually wouldn't go there again. Good question!

How did cattle drive affect barbed wires?

it affected the barbed wire because the cattle drive was having lots of problems with the barbed wires

Who created barbed wire?

Joseph Glidden.

What was the original purpose for the invention of barbed wire?

It was invented for the efficient control of cattle.

Do cattle and horses need different kinds of fencing?

Cattle and horses usually have different fencing. Most cattle are fenced with barb wire or board fences or sometimes a combination of the two. Horses on the other hand need different fencing. The best for horses is wood or metal posts with a "no climb" wire so frisky horses can't get a hoof through the fence and mangle themselves. Although a 3 or 4 rail board fence looks attractive, a lot of horses will eat their way out of it in record time. Even horses that are well fed will chew a wood fence. The new PVC fencing is safe and non-edible but very expensive. Another alternative is galvanized pipe corral fencing. Its strong, attractive and expensive but lasts much longer than a wood fence. If you put horses in pipe corral fencing it is still a good idea to put the "no climb" wire on the inside. Horses can get a foot or even a head through the pipe corral and once again mangle themselves.