

Is black a cool color

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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Well I guess it could be, but black isn't a color. Its a shade technically. But if you want my opinion black is cool I guess.

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Q: Is black a cool color
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Is black a cool shade?

yes black is definetly a cool shade color

Which color are cool?

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white and black are absence of color, but id consider black to be warm and white to be cool.

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Red is the cool guy color. Blue is cool and relaxed. Green is young and life-full. Pink is the young at heart girl color. Black is stylish or bland. Comment by Pyra -- I say that it is black because lots of clothes are black at the mall and I see lots of people wear black!

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sadness,toughness,evilness,emo, me that's a cool color :D