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Yes it is one of those, but it is a verb. [have sold = verb]

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Q: Is have sold a verb adverb preposition conjunction or interjection?
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Can all be a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'all' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed amount. Example: All went well.The word 'all' is an adjective that describes a noun as the whole quantity. Example: All students are eligible.The word 'all' is an adverb, used before an adjective, another adverb, or a preposition. Example: The tickets have all been sold. We sold all of the tickets.

Is up a prepisiton?

No, the word 'up' is not a pronoun.The word 'up' functions as:an adverb: He woke up at seven.a preposition: There's a gas station about a mile up the adjective: The up escalator had stopped so we climbed the stairs.a noun: He made a fortune on an up in the technologies market.a verb: We can up the offer a bit.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'up' in a sentence is it.Example: He sold his shares at an up in the market. He watched for it and took advantage of it.

What part of speech is the word what?

The word 'what' is a pronoun, an adjective, an adverb, and an interjection.The pronoun 'what' is an interrogative pronoun and a relative pronoun.An interrogative pronoun introduces a question.Example: What is your favorite movie?A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause, a group of words that includes a subject and a verb giving information about the antecedent but an incomplete sentence on its own.Example: He gets what he wants by saving his money.An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.Example: I've spent what money I had.As an adverb, the word 'what' is used to express how much or how.Example: What can go wrong?As an interjection, the word 'what' is used to express surprise.Example: What! The tickets are sold out?

What word means something or someone that belongs to a certain place?

A person who belongs to a certain piece of land, so that they are sold when the land is sold, is called a serf or villein. A thing which is sold when the land it sits on is sold is called a fixture.

How many pages are there in the book sold?

the book sold by Patricia McCormick has 272 pages in it.

Related questions

Is the word after a preposition or adverb in the sentence After the farmer harvested the corn he sold it as ensilage?

Neither. It is a conjunction, because it connects the clause "the farmer harvested the corn" to the actual sentence, which is "he sold it as ensilage."

Is the word what a pronoun or verb?

The word 'what' is a pronoun, an adjective, an adverb, and an interjection.The pronoun 'what' is an interrogative pronoun and a relative pronoun.An interrogative pronoun introduces a question.Example: What is your favorite movie?A relative pronoun introduces a relative clause, a group of words that includes a subject and a verb giving information about the antecedent but an incomplete sentence on its own.Example: He gets what he wants by saving his money.An adjective is a word used to describe a noun.Example: I've spent what money I had.As an adverb, the word 'what' is used to express how much or how.Example: What can go wrong?As an interjection, the word 'what' is used to express surprise.Example: What! The tickets are sold out?

Can all be a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'all' is an indefinite pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for an unknown or unnamed amount. Example: All went well.The word 'all' is an adjective that describes a noun as the whole quantity. Example: All students are eligible.The word 'all' is an adverb, used before an adjective, another adverb, or a preposition. Example: The tickets have all been sold. We sold all of the tickets.

An example of a compound sentence using the word sold?

"We went to the car auction and we sold our car."A compound sentence is any sentence composed of two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. Here, the two independent clauses are "We went to the car auction," "we sold our car." The conjunction is "and".

Is separate an adjective or an adverb?

Is is an adjective since it describes a noun. The adverb form would be "separately". An example of the adverb form would be "Batteries sold separately."

Is foolishly an adverb?

Foolishly is an adverb, yes.Some example sentences are:Foolishly, I rejected the offer.He foolishly sold the antique for less than its value.