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This depends on why the cat's gums are black. Some cats normally have black pigment in their gums; if this is the case, your veterinarian won't do anything. However, if the black is a sign of cancer or infection, your veterinarian will probably recommend general anesthesia so that this can be cleaned out and hopefully fixed.

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10y ago

Yes it is normal for a cat to have black gum mine has it too even though i brush her teeth twice a day properly. so yeah it is normal don't worry!

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Q: Is it normal for a cat to have black gums?
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What if your cat's gums have black around them?

If your cat's gums have recently turned black it probably has an infection, like gum disease or something. TAKE IT TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY. A cats gums are supposed to be a pinkish red color. If there are any spots of black, like little tiny dots, make an attempt to brush your cats teeth, it might just be food. but if you cats gums are black, don't hesitate to take it to the vet.ADD:Actually, some cats have black colouring/blotches on their gums and the roof of the mouth. This is a completely natural pigment to their mouths. However, if your cat's gums are not usually black and have turned black from a light pink colour then it is advisable to take it to the vet as soon as possible.

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I do not know how "normal" they are but my niece has them. No one else in the family has them that I know of.

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Nope. It means it has a poor diet.ADD:To expand on the first answer: Depending on the age of the cat, then no, it is not normal for cat to lose teeth, except if done by a vet or the cat is teething (adult teeth usually come in when the cat is 4-6 months old).Tooth loss usually means that the cat has something wrong with its mouth or gums. If your cat is losing teeth or its gums look sore or inflamed, take it to the vet immediately.

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