NO ... Jupiter is a planet ...
Jupiter only needed a couple hundred times it's current mass to become a star, but since it failed to achieve this task it is only a gas giant planet
Jupiter has a mass of 0.001 Solar Masses. A star needs at least 0.1 Solar Masses, so if you multiplied Jupiter's mass by at least 100 it would become a star.
No,Jupiter is a planet that obits around a star,our sun.Jupiter doesn't have nearly enough gravity to attract a massive star in orbit.
Jupiter has 63 moons and it is the biggest planet not including the sun
Jupiter is called a near or failed star because it is not massive enough to be classified as a star. It would have 80 times more mass to be called a star.
It's much closer to its star than Jupiter is to the Sun.
No. Jupiter is a planet, so it does not have a star inside it.
Jupiter is a planet. It has never been a star and never will be a star.
The Sun is by far the nearest star to Jupiter.
Jupiter is not a star. It is a planet. However, there are stars that are smaller than the planet Jupiter.
No, and it never will. It is a failed star.