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Q: Is metallic bonding between metal and a metal?
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What atoms share electrons in their outer cell?

Any non-metallic atom can share electrons with another non-metallic atom, through covalent bonding. Metallic bonding is between metals. Covalent bonding is between non-metals. Ionic bonding is typically between a metal and a non-metal.

What are two types of bonding in metal?

The bonding in transition metals involves both a "covalent" contribution and a metallic "cloud of electrons bond. Alkali metals just have the cloud of electrons to hold them together- hence softer and lower melting.

How can you determine the type of chemical bond a substance has?

If you mean ionic, covelant or metallic: Metallic bonding is between 2 metal atoms. Ionic bonding is betwen non metal and metal atoms. Covelant bonding is between 2 non-metals.

Is metallic bonding between metals or non metals?

between metals

What kind of bond is formed between metal and metal?

The very heart of bonding is the attraction of positive and negative charges. There are three standard types of bonding among metallic and nonmetallicÊatoms. Non metallic atoms that can bond to other non metallic atoms is called covalent bonding. Non metallic atoms that can bond to metallic atoms is called ionic bonding. And lastly, metallic atoms that can bond to other metallic atoms is called metallic bonding.

What is the bonding structure of Sodium?

Metallic Bonding is the bonding between atoms within metals. The attraction between positive metal ions and free moving electrons is known as the metallic bond. It occurs in metal elements; e.g. iron, copper and sodium