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temperate zone

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Selvamadha Janakiram...

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Q: Is Sydney in torrid temperate or frigid zone?
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India lies in which temperate zone?

Temperate zone & Torrid zone

How is the arctic made of ice and snow and why is it so cold?

Arctic falls in the Frigid zone. The areas of the earth is divided in to zones viz torrid zone, frigid zone, temperate zone(both south and northern hemisphere) based on the amount of sunlight it receives. The presence of arctic is in such a way that it gets minimum sunlight compared to the torrid zone where the exposure to sunlight is maximum. Areas in torrid zone, temperate zones gets considerable amount of sunlight compared to frigid zone which makes arctic cold and thus leads to formation of ice from water bodies present in arctic. The same is applicable to both the poles of the earth arctic and antarctic. While the above is basically correct, it should be noted that these climate zone delineations (frigid, torrid, and temperate) were devised by the Greeks and are terribly simplistic (and very much antiquated) representations of the Earth's climate today!

If you are standing at 30 degrees north latitude you would be in which latitudinal geographic zone?

The latitude 30° N falls within the Northern Temperate Zone, which strecthes from the Tropic of Cancer to the Arctic Circle.The 5 major zones are :The North Frigid Zone, north of the Arctic CircleThe North Temperate Zone, between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of CancerThe Torrid Zone, between the Tropics of Cancer and CapricornThe South Temperate Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic CircleThe South Frigid Zone, south of the Antarctic Circle

What Are hottest and the coldest zones of the earth?

The Hottest Part of the Earth's Zones is The Tropic of Caner/Capricorn (23.5*) (South and North)

What is the difference between the Temperate region and the Frigid zone?

torrid zone is the heatest zone of earth as compared to temperate zone. the torrid zone lies between tropics of cancer & capricorn, while the temperate zone has been divided into 2, the north temperate zone which lies between tropic of cancer & arctic circle, the south temperate zone lies between tropicof capricorn & antarctic circle.