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According to Robbins (2003), a well-known approach to managing change, that requires people to go through three separate processes, is called Lewin's Three-Step Change Model. The three steps are unfreezing, movement, and refreezing (p. 564). The first transition step, unfreezing, requires personnel to say goodbye to the way things used to be. Managers must realize that employees are being asked to give up tasks and processes that have made them successful in the past and all the emotional and resistance factors will kick in if enough time is not allotted for this step. The second step, movement, is when everyone shifts into neutral. Employees may have given up their old ways of accomplishing tasks, but they may not quite be ready to start using the new process. During this step, employees may seem a little uncomfortable and there is often confusion. Managers must manage this step carefully or employees may try to revert back to the old process. The final step, refreezing, is when everyone moves forward and starts accomplishing tasks in the new manner. Again, great care must be taken when managing this step to identify resistance and prevent personnel from going back to the original processAccording to Robbins (2003), a well-known approach to managing change, that requires people to go through three separate processes, is called Lewin's Three-Step Change Model. The three steps are unfreezing, movement, and refreezing (p. 564). The first transition step, unfreezing, requires personnel to say goodbye to the way things used to be. Managers must realize that employees are being asked to give up tasks and processes that have made them successful in the past and all the emotional and resistance factors will kick in if enough time is not allotted for this step. The second step, movement, is when everyone shifts into neutral. Employees may have given up their old ways of accomplishing tasks, but they may not quite be ready to start using the new process. During this step, employees may seem a little uncomfortable and there is often confusion. Managers must manage this step carefully or employees may try to revert back to the old process. The final step, refreezing, is when everyone moves forward and starts accomplishing tasks in the new manner. Again, great care must be taken when managing this step to identify resistance and prevent personnel from going back to the original process

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Q: Is unfreezing important to bring change in the organization properly?
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