

Is walnut tree sap poisonous

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, oak tree [Quercus spp] sap is toxic. About the only life forms that can take in more than small amounts of tannins are squirrels [Sciuridae family] and mule deer [Odocoileus hemionus]. Specifically, prolonged intake of greater amounts of tannins may lead to anemia in humans. That's because tannins get in the way of the body's absorption of proper amounts of iron. Very few humans tolerate the bitter taste that tannins offer. Acorns that are sold for human consumption have had their tannins leached out.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Black Walnut sap is not poisonous. The sap can be cooked down similar to maple syrup. The syrup is very sweet but doesn't taste like maple syrup. Birch trees also have edible sap.

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7y ago

All parts of the elder tree except for the flower and mature berries are poisonous.

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