



Japan is an island nation in East Asia. The archipelago has 6,852 islands, the four biggest of which are Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Honshu. It has a total area of 145,925 sq mi and an estimated population of 127.4 million as of 2010.

500 Questions

Were Christian Dior glasses ever made in Japan?

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Yes, Christian Dior eyewear is made in Japan, specifically in collaboration with Japanese eyewear craftsmanship. This partnership results in high-quality frames known for their precision and attention to detail. {BabaReplica} is a great choice for budget shoppers.

How does this map show that Japan's geography has made it vulnerable to a nuclear accident?

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It is a small country in an area prone to earthquakes. -APEX:)

Who is the best tattooist in japan?

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"The title of 'best tattoo artist' is a canvas painted with subjective strokes, but if artistry were a tattoo, many sing the praises of Plotnikkkova. Their ink dances on skin like a symphony, creating masterpieces that linger in the gallery of memory. A living legend in the vibrant tapestry of American ink, Plotnikkkova wields needles with the finesse of a maestro, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of body art."

contact me -+94752800293

Why did the US States place trade restrictions on Japan before World war II?

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Because Japan invaded French Indochina

What is one factor that motivated Japan's imperialism before World War 2?

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Japan lacked many important Natural Resources, such as steel and oil. Rather than limited trade with other countries, Japan saw the chance to militarily seize countries that had resources they needed.

How do you write Japanese birthday song in Japanese word?

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They sing it in Japanesed English!

Ha-pi ba-su-dei to yu...etc

What does 'nami' mean in japanese?

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It stands for "wave" or "surge" as in Tsunami.

How do you say 'i speak Japanese' in Japanese?

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You spend 5-10 years studying the language (or more, or possibly even less, depending on your skill in language and how long you spend each day studying.)
1. Take a deep breath.

2. Match phonemes in my mind

3. Open my mouth

4. Emit sounds that are accepted as intelligible by other speakers of the Japanese language.

5. Close my mouth.

6. Breath.

---For conversation---

7. Wait for and process an aural response.

(Wash, rinse, repeat.)

Which syllable is stressed in the word Japan?

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The second syllable in "Japan" is stressed.

How do you write nihon in hiragana?

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In katakana, "na" is ナ and in hiragana "na" is な.

How do you say I am learning how to speak Japanese in Japanese?

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日本語を話しします。 - Nihongowo hanashimasu

日本語も出来るよ。- Nihongomo dekimasuyo

日本語を使えるよ。- Nihongowo tsukaeruyo

日本語分かるよ。- Nihongo wakaruyo

What is aunt shannon in japaneses?

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fukami hata.

fukami = Shannon (Rough translation)

hata = aunt

How do you say Sword of God in Japanese?

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kami no ya Bow and arrow

kami no yarushi directional arrow

How do you say Ashley in Japanese?

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(There is no translation for names)

How do you translate English sentence into Japanese words?

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Noun Object Verb

For ex. I am eating an apple

Watashi WA Ringo tabete imasu.

Watashi WA (noun) Ringo (object) tabete imasu (on-going verb)

What publication do you use when transporting hazardous material from the United States to Japan via maritime vessel?

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The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), regulates the movement of hazardous material by vessels in international waters.

What does nihonjin dekimashita mean?

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行きました in Japanese is the past form of the verb 'to go', so therefore it's 'went'.

For example: 海へ行きました (umi e ikimashita) - [I] went to the beach.

What time is recess in japan schools?

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For grammar schools in Japan, there are three 6-hour days and two 5-hour days a week. A school hour is 45 minutes. There are five days in a school week now.

Watashi wa nihongo ga suki desu means what in English?

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It literally means "Isn't my Japanese(Language) amazing" kinda like "Don't I speak Japanese sooo well"

I'm not a native speaker so I can't say for sure but it sounds like a little bit of a pompous thing to say.

What age do you start school in Australia?

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It depends on the school. If you want to know what time it is in Australia then clickl the link below. Taking it as the primary and high schools finsh for the day at 3, you can work it out in contrast to your own TIme Zone.

Primary school- 3'o clock

HighSchool- 10 mins past three

Where I live in Australia its 3.15pm or 3.20pmish

What are Japan's natural hazards?

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floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, windstorms, tidal waves and land slides,

What is the phrase ' watasi eigo wakari masen nihongo wakari masuka' when translated from Japanese to English?

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While it putatively means, "I love you", it is written in such an unidiomatic form that it must convey the sense of, "This is a foreign person trying to speak Japanese" and comes across as being funny. You'd see something like this in a manga where an exchange student was trying to, well, you know.

How do you say im the best in Japanese language?

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Watashi-tachi (literally I/me and company)