

Math and Arithmetic

Math is the study of abstractions. Math allows us to isolate one or a few features such as the number, shape or direction of some kind of object. Then we can study what can be learned about the behavior of those features while ignoring everything else about the object.

500 Questions

How many long is a football field?

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I was hoping to have someone answer this question for my state report I'm doing on Rhode Island...THANKS!!

Sorry, Oh So Sorry, Please accept our apologies. The reason your question was not given the attention it so richly deserved is that some Idiot failed to follow the proper protocol and exactly five minutes later filled in the answer with the statement found in the above first paragraph. The computer, not being an Idiotcomplied with instructions that were programmed into it and instantly switched it from an unanswered question to a question that had been Asked and Answered.

Eight months later someone doing routine clean up noted this failure to rapidly respond to your urgent needs and we extend deep apologies if your State Report failed to receive the high credits you had anticipated. Your correct Answer is:



  1. The Length of an American Football field is 100 yards. The End Zone is 10 yards deep with an additional 10 yards of depth free of obstructions called the "Run out Zone" which is provided to avoid player injury. Thus an American football field can be said to 140 yards. (Playing Field of 100 yards plus two End Zones of 10 yards each for 120 yards, Plus a Run Free Zone on each end of the field of 10 yards for an arena length without End Zone Bleachers of 140 yards. For illustration purposes only, the field is the designated playing field of 100 yards and will be designated as (F) in any fornula.
  2. One mile (Designated (M) is equal to 1,760 yards.
  3. One Playing Field is equal to M divided by (F) or 17.5 or more simply stated 17.5 playing fields equal one mile.
  4. Rhode Island is 37 miles wide (called W} and 48 miles long (called L).
  5. Long assumes the greatest distance as a ratio between length and width.


F in L which is precisely about or close to or somewhere near ..... (Insert Drum Roll Audio Feature) ..... 844.8 Football Fields Long and 651.2 Football Fields Wide.

How many Division 1 coaches have reached the 400 win milestone?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:

  1. Mike Krzyzewski
  2. Eddie Sutton
  3. Bob Knight
  4. Dean Smith
  5. Adolph Rupp
  6. Jim Phelan.

Clarence "Big House" Gaines 828 wins Winston-Salem Stat University.

Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

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Asked by Wiki User

For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team

2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell

which side the play will go to and the number will tell which slot the

player will run through or if it's a pass play.

How thick is 2 mil?

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Asked by Wiki User

1/1000 inch sorry this is so wrong!

1 inch is 2.5 centimetres. 1cm=10mil. So.....1 inch is 25mm. 1mil = 1/25 0f an inch

*sigh* a "mil" is NOT a "millimetre"! your statement "1cm=10mil." is absolutely incorrect! 1cm = 10 mm

a "mil" IS exactly one one-thousandth [1/1000] of an inch. this is commonly used to measure thickness. check your common, everyday, household trash bags. they'll say they're a "strong, X mils thick!" or some such, right on the box. the X is number of mils, which aren't as many as you might think!

here, for example, are some thicknesses of a popular brand of household trash bag:

13 gallon Tall Kitchen Bags: .90 mil

30 gallon Trash Bags: 1.1 mil

33 gallon Large Trash Bags: 1.1 mil

39 gallon Lawn & Leaf Bags: 1.1 mil

as you can see, if 1 mil was equal 1/25th of an inch, plastic bags would be pretty thick. about as thick as a paper plate, if you think about it. there are approximately 25 of them, per inch. I'm referring to the typical thin, flat white paper plates that we buy for cheap at the dollar store, use once and throw away. and trash bags are nowhere near that thick!

How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

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How many lengths of a 25 meter pool is 5 km?

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1Km = 1000m therefore 5Km = 5000m.

5000/25 = 200 = 200 times.

How many kilometers are there in a furlong?

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A furlong is an eighth of a mile or 220 yards.

That's about 200 metres (meters) or about 20 000 cm.

How many laps will it take to skate 1km?

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That depends on the size and nature of the track. Most running tracks are 400 metres, so 2.5 laps would be needed; many walking tracks can be in excess or 20 kilometres, so only doing 5% of one lap would be enough.

How many miles are in a 4K race?

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2.5 miles is equivalent to 4 kilometers. A 5K run, which is a common race, is 3.1 miles. 1 kilometer is roughly equivalent to .62 miles

What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

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There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European.

In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number straight up bet pay out 35-1.

In European Roulette there is only a single zero on the table, making your single number straight up bet pay out 36-1.

How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

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It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and three feet deep will hold about 264 gallons of liquid.

When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

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It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

How many gallons of water are in a pool 28 feet by 14 feet with an average depth of 5 feet?

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In One Cubic Foot There Is 7.4805 Gallons. To Get Cubic Feet Of A Square Or Rectangle Multiply length X width X depth = Cubic Feet 28 Ft. Length X 14 Ft. Width X 5 Ft. Deep = 1960 Cubic Feet 1960 X 7.4805 = 14,661.8 Gallons

How many 25M lengths of a swimming pool equals 2.8km?

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Asked by Wiki User

1 kilometre = 1000 metres. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions.

What do you do if you have shocked your pool seven times but there is still algae?

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i shocked my pool several times and it is still green. come to find out that the leaves that had been falling in my pool were eating up the the chlorine level. do you have leaves falling or that are sitting on the bottom of your pool?

Ans:: Clean filter. Extend filter run time to 24/7. Test the water for chlor. Add chlor, wait 10 to 15 min. test again. If no reading ~ you did not add enough chlor. Repeat until you reach at least 5.0 ppm. Brush with a nylon pool brush. Clean filter. Resume filter ops. to 6 to 8 hrs. or more if water keeps getting cloudy. You may have to add chlor daily if you have no conditioner in the water.


How many laps in a 25 yard pool equal 1.2 miles?

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22 laps in a 25 yard pool is equal to 1/3 mile. In competitive swimming, 66 laps or 1650 yds. is what is considered a mile. If swimming a 50 meter pool, 1,500 meters or 30 laps is a mile.

How long would it take to ride a mile at 5 mph on a stationary bike?

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Comparing stationary cycling to real-world cycling is pointless in terms of distances. IRL you might have headwind, tailwind, a hill to climb or descend from and lots of other things that'd affect the distance covered. 5 minute is 5 minutes, that's about it. Besides, the speed of a bike ride can be anything between 5-35 MPH. Assuming an easily reachable 12 MPH 5 minutes of riding would see you covering one mile, but the result could well be entirely different. And while 5 minutes is indeed better than nothing it's way too short to have any significant health/weight benefits by itself.

How many years are the paralympic?

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It started at 2000 it has been around for 12 Years as old as me trust me and die

How many laps of a 25 meter pool is one kilometer?

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Asked by Wiki User

One lap is usually seen as there-and-back, so a lap is twice the length of the pool. So a lap in a 50 m pool is 100 m. One km is 1000 meters. 1000 / 100 = 10

10 laps in a 50 m pool is 1 km.

If you want it in lengths, then 1000 / 50 = 20

20 lengths makes 1 km.

If you swing and ball does not move is it a stroke?

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Yes. From the Rules, available at "A "stroke'' is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing voluntarily before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke" So if you intended to hit the ball, it's a stroke.

Personally, I don't like that rule. I don't think it should count if the ball doesn't move. But I don't make 'em up, I just tell 'em.

Answer by FutureLPGAgolfer

Yes, it counts as a stroke if you swing and the ball doesn't move.

How many miles per hour can Usain Bolt reach?

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Usain Bolt can reach up to 23.35 miles per hour

What is the circumference of a tennis ball in millimeters?

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A standard volleyball is 65.024 centimeters in circumference (25.6 inches), but some balls vary and can be up to one inch larger.

In a 30 meter pool how many laps make a mile?

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Swimming does burn calories at a rate of about 3 calories a mile per pound of bodyweight. If you weigh 150 lbs. and it takes you 30 minutes to swim one mile (1,760 yards or 1,609 meters), then you will be using about 900 calories in one hour. However, many swimmers do not swim that quickly, and many cannot swim for that distance or duration.