


Metal and Alloys

Metals are elements that are good conductors of electricity. An alloy is a metal made up of more than one element. Combining a metal with another metal or non-metal (alloying) can often improve the material's strength.

500 Questions

What is the minning method of chromium?

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The primary method of mining chromium is through the open-pit mining technique. Here are the basic steps involved in chromium mining:

  1. **Exploration:**

    • Geological surveys and exploration activities are conducted to identify areas with chromium deposits.
  2. **Site Preparation:**

    • Once a potential chromium deposit is identified, the site is prepared for mining operations. This involves clearing vegetation and establishing access roads.
  3. **Drilling and Blasting:**

    • Drilling equipment is used to bore holes into the rock, and explosives are inserted into these holes. Blasting breaks the rock into smaller fragments for easier extraction.
  4. **Loading and Transport:**

    • The broken rock or ore is loaded onto large trucks or conveyors and transported to the processing plant.
  5. **Crushing and Grinding:**

    • At the processing plant, the ore undergoes crushing and grinding to reduce its size for further processing.
  6. **Beneficiation:**

    • Various techniques, such as gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation, are employed to concentrate the chromium minerals.
  7. **Smelting:**

    • The concentrated ore is subjected to smelting, where it is heated with a reducing agent (often carbon) to extract the chromium. This process typically occurs in a high-temperature electric arc furnace.
  8. **Refining:**

    • The obtained crude chromium is further refined to remove impurities and achieve the desired purity level.
  9. **Product Formation:**

    • The final step involves shaping the refined chromium into the desired products, such as ferrochromium alloys used in the production of stainless steel.

It's important to note that chromium is often found in association with other minerals, and the mining process may vary based on the specific mineral composition of the deposit. Environmental considerations and sustainable mining practices are also crucial aspects of chromium mining operations.

How many moles of magnesium a chloride are produced when a 4.3 grams piece of magnesium is placed in a bottle of hydrochloric acid large enough to completely react with the magnesium?

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First of all write down the BALANCED reaction equation.

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

We note that the molar ratios are 1:2::1:1

Next calculate the moles of Mg

mol(Mg) = 4.3 / 24.3 (Atomic mass)

mol(Mg) = 0.17695...

Hence by equivalence with the mole ratios

0.17695... moles of MgCl2 are produced.


1:2::1:1 becomes 0.17695 , 0.353909...:: 0.17695...:0.17695...

695... : 0.

What are the other materials in steel?

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Steel is an alloy of iron and Carbon.

The carbon content ranges from 0.1% to 2% .

Depending on the carbon content , different types of steel are made.

e.g. Forged Steel

Railway lines

Railway rolling stock wheels and axles.

Steel tools (Spanners/ hammers etc.,)

Sheet Steel for building ships, cars and white goods.

Razor strip, for honing to a sharp edge.

Steel can also have a percentage of other metals present, notably. chromiun, nickel, and tungstem.

Alloyed with chromiun and nickel forms 'stainless steel' to prevent rusting (cutlery)

Alloyed with tungstem, produces hard wearing steel; railway lines points/crossovers.

Phosphorus and sulphur can also be present to produce a steel with certain other characteristics.

Why steel cannot be represented by formula?

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Steel is not represented by a simple chemical formula because it is not a chemical compound with a fixed and definite composition like many substances that are typically represented by chemical formulas. Instead, steel is an alloy, which is a mixture of two or more elements, primarily composed of iron with varying amounts of carbon and other elements.

The composition of steel can vary widely depending on the specific type of steel and its intended use. In addition to iron and carbon, common alloying elements in steel include manganese, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, and traces of other elements. The proportions of these elements can be adjusted to achieve desired properties such as strength, hardness, ductility, and corrosion resistance.

Different grades and types of steel have different compositions, and the variation in alloying elements can result in a wide range of physical and mechanical properties. For example, structural steel, tool steel, and stainless steel have different alloy compositions and serve different purposes.

Instead of a simple chemical formula, steel is often specified by its grade or type, which provides information about its properties, intended use, and composition. For instance, common types of steel include A36 steel, 4140 steel, and 316 stainless steel. These designations convey more information about the specific characteristics and applications of the steel than a simple chemical formula would.

What is the formula weight of magnesium hydroxide an ingredient found in antacids?

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First of all you need a copy of the periodic table alongside , showing the atomic masses.

Magnesium hydroxide has the formul. Mg(OH)2 .

We have

1 x Mg = 1 x 24.3 = 24.3 (atomic mass)

2 x O = 2 x 16 = 32

2 x H = 2 x 1 = 2

24.3 + 32 + 2 = 58.3 is the formula weight/ molecular weight/ molecular mass of magnesium hydroxide.

Is Chromium Cr Co C or Ch?

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The symbol for chromium is 'Cr'.

'Co' is Cobalt

'C' is Carbon

'Ch' there is no chemical element for 'Ch'.

Will bright steel rust?

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YES!!! Especially if it is exposed to a combination of air(oxygen) and water.

Is zinc chloride soluble?

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Zinc hydroxide is very low soluble in water.

What bat hits further aluminium or composite?

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Performance standards on non-wood bats have been tightened as they are governed by the BESR (Ball Exit Speed Ratio) standard. In layman's terms, the speed of the batted balls off metal/non-wood bats is comparable to that of the best major league wood bat.This standard has been adopted by the NCAA and the National Federation of State High School Associations.

Bats used at the Little League level are governed by the BPF Standard which dictates that the rebound effect of the batted ball off non-wood bats cannot exceed the rebound effect of the batted ball off a wood bat. These standards (both BESR and BPF) are presented to bat makers which they must follow.

Mike May Don't Take My Bat Away ( 561-427-0657 (office)

What color would copper II nitrate burn?

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Copper (II) Nitrate burns in a Green flame

What is the charge on scandium?

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The density of scandium is 2.99 grams per cubic centimeter. This element is classified as a metal, and it has the atomic number of 21.

Is chromium a nonmetal metal or metalloid?

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Chromium is a METAL . It is found in the first row /period of the Transition Element.

Are aluminium engine blocks better than cast iron ones?

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In terms of less weight , Yes!!!

In terms of thermal capacity ; NO. !!!

Iron melts at a much higher temperature than aluminium. The high temperatures in an internal combustion engine do not damage the metal iron, in the same way as they can with aluminium. Aluminium can burst into flames at about 900 oC.

Is steel made of rock?

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no steel is not made out of rocks its made out of iron

Will lithium hydroxide and sodium chromate react?

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No, lithium hydroxide and sodium chromate will not react with each other. They are both ionic compounds and do not have any shared ions that could undergo a chemical reaction.

Why copper electrode does not melt while steel melts in spot welding?

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Copper has a higher melting point than steel, so it does not melt during spot welding. Additionally, copper has higher thermal conductivity, which allows it to distribute heat more efficiently and prevent it from concentrating in one spot. This combination of a higher melting point and better heat dissipation makes copper electrodes suitable for spot welding applications.

Where could one purchase a Stainless Steel punch?

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One could purchase a stainless steel punch from a variety of places such as hardware stores, online retailers like Amazon or eBay, or specialty tool suppliers. It is also possible to find stainless steel punches in craft stores or hobby shops that sell metalworking or jewelry-making supplies.

How do you install a metal shed?

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To install a metal shed, first, choose a suitable location and prepare the ground by leveling it and removing any debris. Next, assemble the shed according to the manufacturer's instructions, starting with the frame and then attaching the metal panels. Use bolts or screws to secure the shed to the ground or a foundation for stability, and make sure to follow any additional guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

What is the atomic symbol for magnesium perchlorate?

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The atomic symbol for magnesium is Mg. There is no specific atomic symbol for magnesium perchlorate as it is a compound, not an individual element. Magnesium perchlorate is represented by the chemical formula Mg(ClO4)2.