

Moles (animal)

On the list of burrowing rodents is the mole, whose original name in Germany and Scandinavia means 'dirt tosser'. The mole uses its toxic saliva to paralyze earthworms, of which thousands then can be stored in underground larders for fresh eating. Contributors typically want to know about the mole's environmental role in opening air passageways underground, geographic ranges, most effective controls by gardeners, and predator/prey roles within soil food webs and surface food chains.

500 Questions

Do moles stink?

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"yes u stupit child how do u think it gets around if its blind"

Moles aren't actually blind!!!!!!!!! The European mole anyway! They have really good senses - excellent sense of smell, and touch, which more than makes up for their lack of sight.

Furthermore, people aren't stupid for asking a question they do not know the answer too.

-Training to be an exotic animal vet

What is the difference between a mole and a badger?

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Badgers belong to the family Mustelidae and the groundhog, also known as the woodchuck or whistlepig, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae

Why do moles have sharp claws?

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Cats were, before humans domesticated them, wild animals, so it's just a thing they developed for protection.

And hunting!

Star-nosed mole nose length?

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The star-nosed mole has 22 tentacles on its nose, 11 on each side. The tentacles vary in length from 1 mm to 4 mm.

Do moles growl?

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Last night while my family and I were smoking outside I heard a huge bug fly close near my thigh, it flew back and rammed me as if out of spite. It was on the ground it then got up flew towards the fluorescent light when my brother tried to slap ot out of the air it then came toward him then backed up I guess to gain some speed to ram him like it did to my thigh earlier. My brother continued to slap at it, it then started making noises, my brother described it as a "pig noise" a snort or a growl because we were hitting at it. It was the biggest ugliest most disgusting insect I ever saw and it INDEED growled at us.

Is it harmful to cut a mole?

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you'll bleed

Can moles climb?

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No, most moles can only crawl forward, or side-to-side.

Will mothballs get rid of garden moles and voles?

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Mothballs may or may not keep wild pigs out of plants. Pigs are smarter than moths, so they may find a way around them to eat the plants. Mothballs can be toxic to them, which may kill them in the process, too.

Can garlic get rid of moles?

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yes, garlic can. You cut a small sliver of garlic and put it on your face. change the garlic when you go to every day. The mole(s) will grow, but then they will go away

Do moles attack humans?

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Not normally no, though as with any animal, a bite from a mole could inject some pretty unpleasant pathogens.

The chances of being bitten by a mole? I suppose if you are a mole-catcher and carelessly grabbed a trapped one that's still alive, it may bite you in self-defence... Otherwise....

Is a mole an vertibrate?

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Yes, moles are mammals, have an internal skeleton, and a backbone making them vertebrates.

What month do moles breed?

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well, moles are nocturnal i think so they come up to get some air about 10:00 they start coming out.

How do moles get their water?

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they get it from the things they eat

Can moles swim?

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yes!A mole can swim.

How deep do moles dig?

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I did some research and found out that they can dig upto 12 inches deep not sure if they can dig deeper

What does baby moles eat and drink?

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I recently caught a baby mole. He likes dead roly-polies and milk. Some else who answered another question on hear said they eat insects and worms.

What kinds of moles are there?

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Yes there are many types of moles, the most common are Scalopus and Talpa europaea.

Do cats eat moles?

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Different cats have different tastes for certain meat.

What does lawn mole eggs look like?

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go to and type in 'photos of moles' and that's all

What are female moles called?

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A male mole is called a boar.

What does a mole burrow look like?

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The chipmunk's den contains at least two rooms, or chambers. One chamber houses a cozy leaf-lined nest; the other, a storage pantry for the chipmunk's favorite foods, including nuts, seeds, and grains.