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Most African slaves originally came from regions in West and Central Africa, including present-day countries such as Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, and Mozambique.

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the west coats of Africa

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Q: Most African slaves originally came from?
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Where did most of the slaves sent to the Americas originally come from?

Most of the slaves sent to the Americas originally came from West and Central Africa. They were captured and sold by African slave traders to European slave traders, who then transported them across the Atlantic Ocean to be enslaved in the New World colonies.

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Most African slaves came from various parts of West Africa, as did Guyanese slaves. Most slaves from the West Indies came from the Congo, Ghana, or Senegal.

Why do african come to america?

Africans originally came to America as slaves. That is why "black" is the 2nd most common "race" (remember that slaves could be a variety of black races, but were primarily African). The southern states really pulled a huge ironic joke, didn't they (even though slavery isn't humorous).

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The majority of African Americans descend from slaves, most of whom were sold into slavery as prisoners of war by African states or kidnapped by African, Arab, European or American slave traders. The existing market for slaves in Africa was exploited and expanded by European powers in search of free labor for New World plantations.

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If you are referring to African slaves, then no, they came from Africa. The Ancient Hebrews came from Asia.

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