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Hydrogen and helium. It's better to ask which two ELEMENTS make up the bulk of the stars, since ALL elements in a star are in the gaseous state.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Hmmmmmmmmmm Well Stars are most commonly made up of Hydrogen and Helium gases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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14y ago

hydredgon and hellium also old stars consist of more carbon then younger stars

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14y ago

The top two are Helium, He and Hydrogen, H.

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12y ago

Hydrogen and Helium. The element name Helium is derived from the Ancient Greek word Helios which means "Sun".

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9y ago

Most stars consist mainly of hydrogen, and (to a lesser degree) helium. This is the initial composition; after the star burns up its fuel, it will consist mainly of heavier elements.

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3y ago

hydrogen and helium

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