

Pangaea Supercontinent

Pangaea (also spelled Pangea or Pangæa) is a theoretical supercontinent that existed about 250 million years ago. Scientists believe all seven continents as they are today were once part of a supercontinent and have slowly moved apart.

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What is the name of the supercontinent scientist bilieve existed millions of years ago?

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The name of the supercontinent that scientists believe existed millions of years ago is "Pangaea." This supercontinent is thought to have begun forming about 300 million years ago, eventually bringing together all of Earth's landmasses into a single, immense landmass. Over time, Pangaea started to break apart, leading to the formation of the continents as we know them today. This process of continental drift is a central aspect of the theory of plate tectonics.

What kind of environment existed in areas were layers of coal and shale were millions of years ago?

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I think that it would be a place where there were many trees and other plants. :]p

What are facts for PANGAEA?

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Pangaea is a "super continent." Pangaea is all seven continents together. Alfred Wegner is the person that made the continental drift theory. No one believed him until years after he died they found proof that he was right.

1. They found the same animals and plants fossils in different continents.

2. They fit perfectly together, like a puzzle.

3. Rocks on two continents look exactly alike.

Is it true that most geologists of wegener's time accepted his idea of drifting continentals?

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No, Wegener's theory of continental drift faced significant skepticism and opposition from the scientific community during his time. Many geologists did not accept his idea, as it challenged the prevailing belief in stationary continents. It was not until several decades later, with the discovery of seafloor spreading and the development of plate tectonics theory, that Wegener's ideas gained acceptance and were validated.

Can you still file a workman's comp claim if the injury happened a year ago?

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Asked by Wiki User

Workman's Compensation Insurance is regulated by the laws of the state in which you reside. There is usually a time limit in which to file a claim. You should check the state statutes concerning WCI, for your state. Or contact the Labor Relations Board.

What are the names of the two large landmasses when Pangaea initially broke apart?

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Actually, Pangaea was all the continents smashed together. But, the two continents that broke apart after Pangaea was created were named "Gondwanaland" and "Laurasia".

What happened to living things when Pangaea broke?

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Some organisms of the same species were split up by the division, which is why some fossils are similar looking, yet are across an ocean from each other.

What was the large supercontinent called?

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The last time the Earth had a supercontinent, the dinosaurs had actually only just appeared, and by the time they took over, it was separated into multiple continents. However, the name you're looking for in Pangaea.

How did Pangaea affect evolution?

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Evolution was not the cause of the breakup of Pangaea. Pangaea broke up by a process called rifting. Upwelling in Earth's mantle started to pull the conteinent apart. As the curst thinned, it led to the formation of volcanoes, which generated new crust, helping to push the continent apart. Evolution is the process by which groups of organisms change over time. While the breakup of Pangaea undoubtedly affected the course of evolution, evolution had nothing to do with causing the breakup.

Why did Pangaea split?

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The crust of the Earth forms continental plates that move with the fluctuations of molten material under the crust. Continental plates separate and collide building mountain ranges and deep sea trenches. This phenomenon (plate techtonics) is what drives the ever changing landscape of the planet. It's what caused the break up of the original super continent.

How was fossil evidence used to reconstruct Pangea?

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The intersection of a common fossil on two different landmasses' borders allowed scientists to reconstruct Pangaea.

What animals lived in pangaea?

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there were several groups of creatures on Pangaea. but for going the insects there where 4 major groups amphibians, anapsids diapsids and therapsids. the amphibians where remnants from the coniforus still large but not dominante on land anymore. anapsids accounted for a good chunk of life on land at this time. therapsids or so called mamal like reptials (eventualy evolved into mamals) where very common but the ones you know about are the diapsids. thees included crocidiles lizards and dinosaurs.


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Asked by Mr Answers

a single landmass or supercontinent

How many species lived in Pangaea?

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At the beginning of the Triassic period, there were no dinosaurs on Pangaea, the super continent. At the end of the period, it is not known exactly how many there were. There are about 700 named dinosaurs.

What is wegeners evidence that Pangaea once existed?

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He had evidence from Climate- because fossils of plants forming in places without the ideal temperature were found and the same plants found at another place with the right temperature. Fossils- fossils of the reptiles mesosaurus and lystrosaurus found on continents separated by ocean and neither could swim that great of a distance in salt water, and Land Features- Mountain ranges in south America match up with the mountain ranges in Africa, like a jigsaw- puzzle

Hope this helps :)

Was Australia part of Pangaea?

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During the Mesozoic Era

What supercontinents were before Pangaea?

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Pangaea was a super-continent which broke up into 10 super continents. All though we are unclear of its exact configuration Rodina predates Pangaea by 800 million years. Before that, smaller continents like Atlantica and Artica were still around.


How do mesosaurus fossil's support the past existence of Pangaea?

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Similar plant fossils were found in different parts of the world, indicating they used to be closer.

What did Pangea look like in the Pliocene Epoch?

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The earth during the Pliocene epoch would have looked very similar to how it is today - it was roughly around 6mya. Pangea on the other hand was over 200mya.

How did the break up of pangaea affect land organisms during the mesozoic era?

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When Pangaea broke up, species had to adapt to changing environments. Those species that could adapt, changed along with their habitats. Those that could not adapt died off.

Who or what lived on Pangaea?

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No. Pangaea broke up long before humans evolved.

What animals survived they Pangaea?

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saber - toothed tiggers, Mammoth, ice age Sloth , and the Dodo brid.
