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enumerated powers. These are the powers specifically granted to Congress by the Constitution, such as the power to tax, regulate commerce, or declare war.

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Q: Particular powers of the congress that are listed in article 1 are often called the?
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Powers of Congress are listed in which article?

In article 1.

Which article are the powers of the congress listed in?

Congress' powers are listed in Article one of the Constitution. Specific powers are enumerated in section eight. Congress has expressed powers that are written in the Constitution and implied powers that are not expressed.

What qualifications other than those listed in article I do you think should be used when choosing a member of congress?

Qualifications other than those listed in article I that should be used when choosing a member of congress is that prospective members must not have a criminal record

What is delagated powers?

The delegated powers are powers reserved for Congress. They are listed in Article I of the United States Constitution.

What are the powers of congress the are written into the Constitution called?

The powers of Congress that are written into the U.S. Constitution are called enumerated powers. The powers are set in the amendment of forth in Article I.

What other responsibilities does congress have?

I'm not sure what you mean by "other" responsibilities. Article I is all about the Legislature (Congress). The scope of Congress's legislative powers are detailed in Article I, section 8. The Senate also gets some power from Article II, section 2, where instances where the advice and consent of the Senate are required are listed. Article V also gives Congress some power in amending the Constitution. Congress also has a bunch of informal oversight responsibilities.