


Percentages, Fractions, and Decimal Values

Percentages are defined as a fraction or portion of a whole. Generally percentages deal with an amount out of one hundred but can be used in sales, economics, and science. If you've walked into any store you're sure to find something marked a certain percent off. Fractions are not whole numbers with a numerator over a denominator. Usually the numerator and denominator are expressed as integers. There are four types of fractions: simple fractions, complex fractions, mixed fractions, and improper fractions. Decimals are also not integers. They are expressed often like 0.34 and are often rounded off since some go for too long. Both decimals and fractions are also used to convert to percentages.

500 Questions

What is 10.66666667 in fraction form?

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If that's recurring 6 then as an improper fraction in its simplest form it is 32/3

What is 0.53333333333 as a fraction?

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0.53333333333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 53333333333/10000000000 which cannot be simplified.

How do you round percents to the nearest whole percent?

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You look at the first decimal number after the ones place. If it's less than 5, then you leave the percent as it is; but if it's greater than or equal to 5, then you round up.

Eg. 56.4% = 56%

56.6% = 57%

4 or below let it go

5 or above give it a shove

What fraction is halfway between one quarter and one half?

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Three Eighths. 3/8, 3:8, three over eight.

What is 1.142857 repeated as a fraction?

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The answer depends on the length of the string which is repeating: eg 1.142857777... or 14.142575757... and so on. As long as that is not specified, the question remains ambiguous and we cannot answer it without making guesses which cannot be justified.

What is 500 as a decimal?

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It is already written in decimal form.

What is 3 over 150 as a percent?

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3/ 150 X 100

Cancel down by '10'

3/15 X 10

Cancel down by '3'

1/5 X 10

Cancel down by '5'

1/1 X 2 = 2% the answer !!!!


What is a20 percent of 225000?

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225000 x 20/100

Cancel down by '100'


2250 X 20/1 =

2250 x 20 = 45,000.

What fraction is 500 millilitres?

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A fraction of what????

If you mean what fraction is 500 mL of 1 litre.,


1 litre = 1000 millilitres.

Hence 500 mL / 1000 mL

Cancel down we have 1/2 is the answer.

What is 90 percent of 60.000?

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60.0000 X 90/100

Cancel down b y'10'

6 x 90/10

Cancel down by '10' again

6 x 9 / 1 = 54 %

NB THe decimal 'zeroes' are trivial in this case.

How do you write 4.8 as a fraction in simplest form?

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4.8 written as a fraction in simplest form is 4 4/5.

What is 3.5 percent of 130000?

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3.5 percent of 130,000 is 4,550.

How do you express 0.0101010101 as a fraction?

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Let P = 0.010101...


100P = 1.01010....


99P = 1 ( NB The repeating decimals subtract out).

P = 1/99

What is the fraction for .21 repeating?

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Let P = 0,212121,,,,

Hence 100P = 21.212121....


99P = 21 (NB The repeating decimals subtract to zero.

P = 21/99

Cancel down by '3'

P = 7/33 The answer!!!!

What is 24.375 as a mixed fraction?

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24.375 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 24375/1000 which can be simplified. But simplification could mean that you could lose information about the precision of the fraction.

How do you write 60000 as a decimal?

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A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation of 60000 is 60000, exactly as in the question.

What is 15 cents in decimal form?

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$1 = 100 cents

15/100 = 0.15 of $1 in decimal