


Planet Mars

The 4th planet from the sun in our solar system. It is commonly called the "Red Planet".

500 Questions

What planet is the only one on which unmanned spacecraft have successfully landed and explored?

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However, spacecraft have landed on Venus, but the atmosphere on Venus is such that spacecraft are crushed/collpase. So no exploration has been done on Venus.

Has anyone gone to Mars?

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No. The farthest that any human has been from earth is lunar orbit. When Mars

is as close to earth as it can get, it's about 200 times farther than that.

There is presently no project in progress, no planning, no budget, and no schedule

for a manned mission to Mars.

What is closer the Moon or Mars?

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I am not an expert on this. It would seem, though, that Mars would be by far a more difficult mission, even if the only difference is the far greater duration of the trip out and the trip back. We would have to design and build systems that could sustain the crew, propel the craft, and get them back safely. More time means an increased risk of system failures of one kind or another. More food, water and fuel would have to be stored, along with flawless atmosphere controls. There would probably also be more difficulty in landing a craft on Mars, given stronger gravity and different possible atmospheric conditions. Wouldn't it make more sense to send unmanned missions with more and more developed science on board than to send a crew? We will certainly get to Mars one day, and we may even colonize it. Making good use of the moon, while less exciting and inspirational than a Mars mission, seems to me to make MUCH more sense. For example, a sophisticated base on the moon would make a significantly more sensible platform from which to launch missions to Mars and beyond. Much larger payloads could be delivered; it would be much more efficient in the long haul.

Does Mars go cold at night?

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Mars is very cold at night, it can get as low as -153 C.

First landing on Mars?

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The Viking I probe launched in 1975 was the first to land on the Martian surface, searching for signs of life.

Does mars have sand or dirt?

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Mars does have both, although the dirt is somewhat unlike Earth's dirt. There is some disagreement on definitions here which complicates things. If the connotation is 'soil' then Mars doesn't have it because that implies organic material, bacteria, fungi, etc., which are not known to be present there. Martian sand is fine grains of silicates similar to Earth; both it and dust are composed of tiny particles of pyroxene, olivene, and feldspar - which are also present on the Lunar surface.

Are there tornadoes dust storms on Mars?

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No, there is no evidence of any wind on Mercury, as Mercury's atmosphere is practically a vacuum, therefore it is impossible to have any air currents, and as air currents are the cause of wind, it is not really the best place to try to fly a kite.

I like that answer -Onyx

Will Mars be affected by the sun's death?

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yes of course after the sun has engulfed the earth. mars will be the new mercury in charge. and also when the sun is gone the surviving planets will be a white dwarf and freeze and die like mercury venus earth and the sun

How are Mercury and Neptune alike?

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They share in common that they are both planets orbiting the same star.

Why can't you live on the surface of Mars?

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You can't live on the surface of Mars without appropriate life support systems because Mars lacks a breathable atmosphere, adequate temperatures, and protection from harmful radiation. The thin atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide and does not provide sufficient oxygen for humans. The average surface temperature is extremely cold, ranging from -80 degrees Fahrenheit (-62 degrees Celsius) to -195 degrees Fahrenheit (-125 degrees Celsius). Additionally, the planet does not have a global magnetic field, making it more vulnerable to solar radiation.

Is there any water on Mar's moons?

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No, there is no evidence of water on Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos. These moons are small and composed mainly of rock and dust. They lack the necessary conditions, such as an atmosphere or significant gravitational pull, to support liquid water.

Why could a person jump farther on Mars than on Earth?

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A person could jump farther on Mars than on Earth due to the lower gravity on Mars. Mars has about one-third of Earth's gravity, which means there is less gravitational force pulling the person back down. This allows them to achieve greater height and distance when jumping.

What did the phoenix mars discover?

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The Phoenix Mars lander discovered evidence of water ice near the surface of Mars in the form of subsurface ice. It also found chemical elements and compounds necessary for supporting life, such as perchlorate salts and water vapor. Additionally, the lander detected snowfall and measured the mild alkaline nature of the Martian soil.

It took Milo and Myron 330 hours to fly their saucer from Mars to Earth Milo piloted the saucer 21 times longer than Myron How long did Myron fly the ship?

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To find out how long Myron flew the ship, we need to divide the total flying time (330 hours) by the sum of Milo's and Myron's flying time. Given that Milo flew 21 times longer, we can represent the time Myron flew as x and set up the equation: Milo's flying time = 21x. Since Milo's flying time is the sum of their flying times, we have 21x + x = 330. Simplifying the equation, we get 22x = 330, and solving for x, we find that Myron flew the ship for 15 hours.

Where could one find 30 Seconds To Mars lyrics?

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One can find 30 Seconds To Mars lyrics on various websites dedicated to song lyrics, such as Genius, AZLyrics, or MetroLyrics. Additionally, the band's official website may also have a section dedicated to their lyrics.

What made the patterns on mars?

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The patterns on Mars are primarily formed by geological and climatic processes. These include wind erosion, volcanic activity, impact cratering, and seasonal changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions. Some specific patterns, such as the polar ice caps and the dense networks of valleys and channels, are indicative of past or present water activity on the planet.

What are Mars robot explorers?

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Mars robot explorers are robotic spacecraft sent to Mars to gather scientific data and explore the planet's surface. These robots are equipped with various instruments and tools to study the Martian environment, including cameras, spectrometers, drills, and sample analysis instruments. Examples of Mars robot explorers include the Curiosity rover, the Perseverance rover, and the InSight lander.

What color are the poles on mars. what makes them this color?

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The poles on Mars are primarily white in color. This is because they are composed mostly of frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) and water ice. The combination of these frozen substances gives the poles their distinctive white appearance.

Who stepped on mars first?

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The first person to step on Mars has not happened yet. As of now, no humans have set foot on Mars. However, there are plans for future manned missions to the planet by NASA and other space agencies, and it is possible that the first person to step on Mars could be an astronaut from one of these missions.

Does Mars have Hydrogen?

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Yes, Mars does have traces of hydrogen in its atmosphere. The presence of hydrogen on Mars has been detected through various observations and scientific instruments, including the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission. However, the amount of hydrogen on Mars is relatively small compared to other elements.

The doom seires places the player on what planet?

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The Doom series typically takes place on Earth and its moons, specifically in locations like Mars, Phobos, and Deimos.

Could the water on mars come back?

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Water on Mars can come back in the form of water vapor or ice. Mars has a thin atmosphere, and when the temperature and pressure conditions are right, water can evaporate from ice caps and subsurface reservoirs into the atmosphere. However, without a significant atmosphere or magnetic field to retain the water, it is eventually lost to space.

When was spirit and opportunity landed?

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Spirit and Opportunity, the twin rovers of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission, were both landed successfully in January 2004. Spirit landed on January 3, 2004, and Opportunity landed on January 24, 2004.

How old is brno Mars?

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As of October 2021, Bruno Mars is 36 years old.

Who founded the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars?

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The rock band 30 Seconds to Mars was founded by lead vocalist Jared Leto and his brother, Shannon Leto, who plays drums for the band.