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No known planets have only one moon other than earth.

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Q: Planet has the same number of moons as the earth?
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Which planet is the same size as earth with no moons?

No planet! However, Venus has no moons and is not much smaller than Earth.

Which planet has the same number of moons as earth?

None is known. No moons of Mercury or Venus have been discovered, Earth has one, and each of the other planets is known to have more than one. 63 are presently known in orbit around Jupiter.

Do all planets have the same number of moons as earth?

No, the planets have different number of moons, from zero to about 60-70.

How many moons are in Australia?

Australia has the same number of moons as the rest of the Earth: just one.

What planet is Jupiter the sun?

The planet Jupiter orbits the same sun that the Earth orbits; it is part of our solar system. It has the greatest number of moons of any planet in the solar system, including four (the Galilean moons) which are quite large.

Do the inner planets share the same moon?

No. The moons of a planet belong to that planet alone. Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no moons, Earth has one large moon (the moon), and Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos.