


Rainbows are an optical phenomenon that can be seen in the sky when the sun reflects off the water droplets from rain or the mist of a waterfall. This causes a spectrum of light known as a rainbow. Questions about rainbows can be directed here.

500 Questions

Why did God create rainbows?

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The rainbow colors visible when sunlight behind you bounces off water droplets such as rain ahead are consequential to laws of physics and the event of light refracting twice and bouncing once around the inside of the spherical droplet. While they probably existed since the beginning of creation, in Genesis 9:12-17 rainbows became token of a covenant from God that the Earth would never again be flooded as it was in the days of Noah.

Why rainbows are colorful?

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Asked by Hgtytt

Because the degree to which light refracts depends upon its wavelength. Red with the longer wavelengths refracts the least and blue the most with the shorter wavelength, so you end up with a rainbow effect, with the white light split into a spectrum.

How does rainbows appear in the sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sunlight being refracted by rain.

When you see a rainbow, stand with your back to the Sun. The centre of the rainbow is in a direct line from the Sun, through you to the centre of the bow.

From that line the coloured bow is angled at 42 o (degrees).

There are seven colours; they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and indigo. The red is always on the outside of the bow and the indigo on the inside of the bow. This is because the wavelength of red light is longer, so it is seen on the longer(outside) edge. Conversely, the wavelength of indigo light is shorter, so it is seen on the shorter(inside) of the bow.

Because of 'light bending' the outside of the red edge is darker. Conversely the inside of the indigo edge is lighter,

If the rainbow is very bright, you will see a reflected bow outside the main rainbow. In the reflected bow the colours and light bending are reversed. On the very rare ocassions you may see a triple bow, outside again, with everything revered to the original form .

In the Christian religion, the rainbow is a symbol of God's covenant with every living man and creature. (The Bible, Book of Genesis, Chapter 9. )

The old weather lore in England is if you see a rainbow in the morning it is a very reliable forecast for more rain that day. Conversely, if you see a rainbow in the evening, again it is a very reliable forecast of no more rain that day.

So there you have it , about rainbows appearing in the sky!!!!!

Are there 6 or 7 colors in the rainbow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer #1:

roy g. biv is how i always remember it.




G- green




so there are seven colors in the rainbow


Answer #2:

ALL of the colors are in the rainbow. If you read the first answer carefully,

what he's really telling you is that he only remembers seven of them.

But what about turquoise, burgundy, chartreuse, gold, and olive ?

How do rainbows move?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have no idea the last person said "they move by air" which is not what the question asks

How far away are rainbows?

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Can people track down where the Rainbow ends?

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No, the end of a rainbow is not a physical location that can be tracked down. Rainbows are optical phenomena caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets. They appear to end in a certain area, but as you move closer, the rainbow will shift or disappear altogether.

Is the rainbow lorikeet a herbivore?

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Yes, the typical diet of a rainbow lorikeet consists of fruit, pollen and nectar.

Why is a rainbow trout called a rainbow trout?

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Because it has many colors, like a rainbow. I think.

What animals can not see rainbows?

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Animals with eyes not sensitive to light (there might not be any?).

Animals will not react to rainbows as they are not important for the animals survival.

Why do bunnies lick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rabbit Behavior:

Licking by a rabbit is: a show of affection; a need for salt (speculation); because they groom themselves more than cats.

If the rabbit is licking you, then congratulations, your rabbit likes you!

Here is one of a number of websites that explain facts about rabbits Larissa's Bunny-Guide 05 Nov 2007

How many rainbow budgies are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are many types of budgies...

you have sky blue, cobalt and mauve which are in the blue series and light green, dark green and then olive in the green series.

than you hyave dominant and recessive pied, clearwings and clearflights, spangle, opaline, yellowface, greys, rainbows, lutinos and albinos etc

Is there a rainbow frog?

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i dnt thing so

What is a rainbow lorikeets locomotion?

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A rainbow lorikeet may move by jumping along the ground, it typically does not walk like some other birds. Furthermore, it may choose to use its wings to fly.

Why do snails appear after rain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because, they like to come out in the rain.

I don't think so! Snails, grubs, and earthworms come out of the ground after a rain,

even though they know that in doing so they're exposing themselves to their natural

enemies such as birds, for whom they constitute a large and tasty dinner, because

they can't breathe in saturated ground, and they have to come out to avoid drowning !

How did they get the phrase taste the rainbow.?

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Asked by Wiki User

By eating skittles apparently.

Where do unicorns live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unless you didn't receive the memo. Unicorns are still a myth or a legend. None have ever been seen, no fossils have been found and they only appear in drawings and literature dating back to 5th century BC. Just like dragons, they are easily talked about and to describe but hard to prove.

What are rainbow fishes length?

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Rainbowfish are usually less than 12 centimeters (4.7 in) in length. Some species

measure less than 6 cm (2.4 in), while one species, Melanotaenia vanheurni, reaches

lengths of up to 20 cm (7.9 in).

Does target have rainbow looms?

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Target stores do not carry the official Rainbow Loom, which is available at Amazon online and on the Rainbow Loom website (link below,) as well as at Michael's Crafts and the Learning Express toy stores. Target carries the Cra-Z-Loom, which is a similar rubber band loom toy. The biggest difference is that the Cra-Z-Loom cannot be changed into various configurations as can the Rainbow Loom.

How Do you get the rainbow sword in chrono trigger?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to get the Rainbow shell from Deaths Claw in 600 AD. Then you need to get the moon stone from the sun temple in 2300 AD and beat the son of the sun then you must go back to 65 million BC and put it in the sun shrine. Then go to 2300 AD and find out its missing then go to 1000 go to the greedy mayors house and he'll deny knowing of it then go to the snail stop near by buy some jerky then go to 600 AD and go to the elders house which is the greedys mayors house in the present then talk to the woman and shell ask for it give it to her for free than go to 1000 AD the mayor will ask you if you want it say yes he'll give it to you then go to melchior at the rainbow shell and he'll make the sword and give you glasses to up the damge by a major amount usuable by crono only.

What is a rainbow feather?

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Asked by Wiki User

It a coloured feather. You'll get it when you talk to the old man in Pewter city (Kanto) in Pokemon Gold or Silver. At the Tin tower on the roof there is a Ho-oh there.

P.S. Before you 'burst in' and catch the Ho-oh with the masterball, there's a Lugia at the Whirl island.

How to get rainbow wing?

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You need all three dogs and then talk to the old man that gave you the silver wing and he will give you the rainbow wing

What do you get when you mix white with a colour?

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Depending on the amount of each colour you mix, you will create a shade of pink. It is best to add the red to the white, then the black as it is easier to darken a lighter colour than it is to brighten a dark colour. Add small amounts until you reach the desired shade or tint.