


Science Experiments

Experiments often conducted by students to test different scientific theories and hypotheses

500 Questions

Will iron nails rust faster in salt water or freshwater?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Does iron nail rust faster insltor fresh water

2. materials:

two nail,two cup,salt water,fresh water,

3. Hypothesis.I think that a nail rust faster in salt water because of the chemicals in the salt.

4. Procedure:

inde variable:same nail and fresh and salt water

dep variable:how many days will it take

con varable:size of nail,different water


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How does sound travel from a source into your ear?

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Asked by Wiki User

sound vibrate the eardrum a lightly streched membrane that is the entrance to the middle ear

What kind of gas burns in the sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hydrogen gets consumed through fusion processes into helium, hence loosely speaking you could say the Sun "burns" hydrogen.

Are inferential statistics different from descriptive statistics?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Which one of the following is true about statistics?

A) Inferential statistics deals with collecting, summarizing, and simplifying data about given population

B) Descriptive statistics is also known as inductive statistics

C) Descriptive statistics goes beyond describing a given problem situation by means of collecting, summarizing and meaningfully presenting the related data

D) Descriptive statistics is one which describes the population. On the other hand, inferential statistics issued to make the generalization about the population based on the samples.

How much fossil fuels does the US use?

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Is a hypothesis is a decision based on the results of the experiment.?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. An hypothesis is an idea put forward to explain an observation. Often you do the experiment to test the hypothesis. The results of the experiment may help you decide whether to discard your hypothesis or to test it further.

Theoretical values for linear expansion of steel?

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Asked by Wiki User

this is a simple question... I believe that the theoretical value for the linear expansion of steel is extremely simple. Ask a science teacher and they will be able to help you. If you go to the library you can borrow a book on this subject. I hope i helped you in your mission. Thank you very much for your time.

Have an excellent life.

i hope u get an answer.


What are the disadvantages and advantages of geographic filing system?

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Asked by Wiki User

what are the advantages and disadvantages of geographic system of filing

What is a legend on a science fair project?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 'legend' is a piece of text explaining the purpose of the project and what it sets out to show.

What are the characteristics of makahiya?

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Asked by Wiki User

one of the characteristics are the irritability,colors,and movement

What is practical use for metallic changes?

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Asked by Wiki User

One practical use to a metallic change is to obtain a purified form of the more active and or valuable metals. We do this through electrolysis.

Which factor is the dependent variable in an experiment?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dependent variable is what the results yielded. For example, if you are testing humans, the dependent variable will be the test subject's answers. Some people also say it is what you are testing for if it is not testing on humans. For example, "the differences in growths of bacteria".

What is rust and how does it form?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rust forms when metals containing iron mix with the oxygen in the air or the water and create a compound named iron oxide. This compoumd has water molecules, so we call it a hydrated compound. Chemically and very simply speaking, iron atoms lose a few electrons to oxygen atoms. This process, where electrons are lost from atoms, is the oxidation process. When oxidation occurs it produces a chemical reaction that creates iron oxide

Who is group that is exposed to the variable to be tested is called the?

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Asked by Wiki User

Experiments typically involve:

1) Experimental group: the group of subjects exposed to the variable being tested.

2) Control group: should be as identical as possible to the experimental group, but is deliberately not exposed to the experimental variable - this provides a baseline measure from which the effect of the variable can be determined.

Why does everything else except variable needto be keep constant during the experiment?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to isolate and identify the effect of the variable being tested, it is important to keep all other factors constant. This allows for a more accurate and reliable assessment of the relationship between the variable and the outcome. If other factors were to vary, it would be difficult to determine whether any observed changes were due to the variable being tested or to external factors.

What happens if you hold the balloon over the paper for several minutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you hold the balloon over the paper for several minutes, nothing significant will happen. The balloon will continue to hold its shape, and the paper will not be affected by it. The only change you may observe is a slight static charge buildup on the balloon, which could potentially cause lightweight objects like the paper to be attracted to it.

What is a catchy title for a science project on adhesives?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Sticky Solutions: Unraveling the Science of Adhesives"

How long does it take to boil non salted water?

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Asked by Wiki User

The amount of time it takes to boil non-salted water depends on factors such as the volume of water and the heat source. Generally, it takes around 5-10 minutes for a standard pot of water to boil on a stovetop.

Explain the procedures that you might follow to collect collate evsluate and record feedback on case plans?

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Asked by Amytrinh

To collect feedback on case plans, you can implement procedures such as conducting interviews or surveys with clients, their families, and relevant stakeholders. Collating the feedback involves organizing and summarizing the responses received. Evaluation of the feedback involves analyzing the responses to determine patterns, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the case plans, and making necessary improvements. Finally, recording the feedback includes documenting the feedback received, any changes made to the case plans, and the outcomes achieved as a result of the feedback and modifications.