White light, which can split in to the colours is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are, cosmic rays, X-rays, UV light, infra red(IR) waves, micro waves, and radio waves.
ic ray
of the spectrum
Electromagnetic spectrum is the radiation of the sum
Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
A prism will break white light up into a spectrum of colors.
The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that produces radiant energy is sometimes referred to as electromagnetic waves. It is not visible to the human eye.
The spectrum is a kind of analysis of the light emitted by a star.
The Sun emits radiation across almost the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
your spectrum is stupid
Here is an example sentence with the word "spectrum":The colours that we are able to see are actually a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Here the word spectrum denotes the group of waves.
That's called the electromagnetic spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum spans from the lowly radio signals (1x104 Hz) that we use for terrestrial broadcasting to gamma rays (1x1021 Hz) from the sun! ===================
what does an electromagnetic spectrum consist of
the energy that makes the electromagnetic spectrum is electromagnetic radiation