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Yes, let's make sure the essential facts of being human (and all life) are kept secret, daddy's naughty's parts most of all. Sorry, I'm not a puritan fascist - Dad has a penis and junior has one. Is there a secret here? That some people think there should be says a lot about the sickness of America. Scenario: 'Dad, I have a bump or something here'. 'You mind showing me?' 'Why should I - here look.' 'That's nothing to worry about, son, I have one sort of like it. See?' Mystery solved, no worries. And a kid's learning how to grow up to be a man, not a hysterical hypocrate pretending children aren't sexual or don't know by ten what those great appendages are for. The two guys above are comfortable in their manhood. OK, I'll really go off a limb here. There are cultures where parents teach their children the pleasures of masturbation. I see nothing wrong with intelligently and gently teaching children the truth of life, so they won't be terrified of it as so many who answer questions here are.

If a young son asks his father to show his penis to him for educational purposes then this is acceptable and normal behaviour between a boy and his father. Although, with the internet it is less and less likely any boy needs to ask a parent about the human form anymore.

A lot of fathers innocently expose themselves to their sons when in the changing rooms at the local swimming pool. The young boys soon get used to seeing penises from all the males changing anyway. Sometimes they talk about it with their peers when going swimming without Dad. They have a laugh at all the different sizes along with the bums and fat or skinny boys and men. It is all a part of them growing up and learning about theirs and others bodies.

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9y ago
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Bryan Zimmer

Lvl 2
2y ago

It depends on whether the questioner meant "should he show it to him hard" or not. Although some may differ, I think not. He'll learn soon enough what that's for and what it looks like, how to etc.

As to how it "will look," don't forget that there are two sets of genes here, the son may look very different from Dad, in size/shape, or other respects.

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Candido Kohler

Lvl 1
2y ago
Awesome - thanks for the answer!

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14y ago

It depends upon where, when, and why. Many nudist and naturalist groups have no qualms about family members au natural. However, private nudity and public nudity are governed by separate laws and mores.

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14y ago

If we are talking about your kids seeing you naked as in getting dressed or coming out of the shower, that is normal. If we are talking about in a sexual way or you teaching him about the penis it is not normal. That is what books are for.

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Lvl 2
3y ago

Yes he should show him so he can see what his will look like

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Timothy J Pressel

Lvl 2
4y ago

YES and please film it!

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Yes think they should, as my older brother tought me of penis,

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Summary of Story: The Story is about a relationship between a boy and his father. Their relationship has drifted away from each other. But when an important event draws them together, the father realized what he has done wrong and what he has to do to save his relationship with his son.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Analysis: The Father: The father is an alcoholic. In this story he is portrayed as an insensitive boor who has poor judgment and constantly embarrasses his son. The father bases his thoughts and judgments on how other people would think of him. He thinks he knows his son Johnny the best, but he actually knows his son the least out of everybody. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Johnny: Johnny is an active boy who is shy around certain adults. He rarely expresses his feelings to his father, but rather to his mom. His relationship with his father made him a little left out because his friends' fathers usually play and work with each other.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot Analysis: Beginning of Story: In the beginning of the story, the father and his son was described and the relationship between the two were clarified. The boy had to go to a meeting with his dad in scouts, that was when.....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Middle of the story: In the middle of the story, the son and his father were in the meeting. The father embarasses his son in front of the scouts master by saying how he would rather take his son to a burlesque show rather then coming with him to the meeting. Then when Johnny was presented an award, his father raises Johnny's hands up to the air like a referee. This causes the important turning point......---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of the story: At the end of the meeting, Johnny tells his father he did not want the award. When the father grabbed Johnny's arm and Johnny ran away, he knew the damage was done. The father realized he embarassed his son way too much in front of his peers. Then he realizes that everything that has happened to him was all his fault, and he wonders if he will ever fix his position in the relationship with his son again.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever thought of these? How come Johnny's mother knew about the relationship between Johnny and his dad and she didn't do anything about it? Isn't family suppose to help each other out? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My thoughts/comments/opinions: I thought the story was really good. The author described the characters so realy it was like i was right there in the story with Johnny and his father. I would rate this story 9/10. I think the part when the father hold up his son's arms into the air like a referee was the biggest mistake he made. There was a thought I had when I was reading the book. If my father was like the father in this story, I would probably tell my friends and tell my mom to help me with the problem. Johnny didn't do anything at all to fix the relationship between his father and himself. So I think he should've done something to fix his position in his relationship between his father.