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Q: Some bacteria are greenish in color and live on the surface of water These organisms are probably?
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What is the difference between saprophytic and parasitic bacteria?

Saprophytic is another way to say decomposers. Parasitic bacteria parasitize other organisms while they feed off of their insides. Saprophytic (decomposers) bacteria feed off of dead organisms and this is extremely important for the cycle of soil nutrients and also for many plant roots.

Is healthy skin normally colonized by bacteria?

yes, there are bacteria called flora normally colonized on the skin. Skin flora are usually non-pathogenic. One of the benefits of bacteria (flora) can offer preventing transient pathogenic organisms from colonizing the skin surface.

How much bacteria can contaminate the surface of a fomite?

Over one billion bacteria can contaminate the surface of a fomite. Bacteria can contaminate any kind of surface in seconds.

Was the earliest organisms on earth bacteria?

Not exactly. Microfossils and chemical traces of life were present at least by 2.7 billion years ago. Itis said, with good supporting evidence, that the first organisms on Earth were probably single-celled prokaryotes that were probably genetically similar to the organisms belonging to the domain Archaea. These are prokaryotic microorganisms are genetically distinct from bacteria and often found living in habitats with extreme environmental conditions such as high temperature or salinity (salty). Life was first in the oceans and seas before being found on land.

Name one underwater decomposer?

An underwater decomposer is a benthic organism that usually lives along the ocean floor and feeds on the waste and dead matter of other organisms that sinks from the surface layer daown to the floor.