



This category is for questions about the various units and conversions of temperature, as well as the freezing point and boiling point of elements and compounds.

500 Questions

What is the Celsius equivalent to 212 degrees Fahrenheit?

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= (212-32) x 5/9 C = 100 C

What is minus 17 degrees celsius in Fahrenheit?

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(minus 17) degrees Celsius = 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit

How cold is 200 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

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Not coo at all very hot so if I was uu I would wear shorts and take a trip to the beach .

What is -11 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

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Exactly (minus) -11°C is equal to 12.2°F

The conversion formula is °F = (9/5 °C)+ 32°

Is 67 degrees hot or cold?

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It really just depends, if its 67 degress C then that cold for sure. But in my opinion that is cold.

Is 55 Degrees Hot Or Cold?

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What the difference to 40 degree Celsius to -25 degree Celsius?

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The difference between 40 degrees Celsius and -25 degrees Celsius is 65 degrees Celsius. This is calculated as follows:


So, there is a 65 degrees Celsius difference between the two temperatures.

What is the seemingly lower temperature due to excessive breeze?

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The lower temperature is called wind chill

What is the frezzing points of water in calsias?

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To correct your English grammar ; 'What is the freezing point of water in degrees Celsius?'


#1 Freezing , NOT Frezzing

#2 point not points ; singular as there is oinly one freezing point

#3 Celsius not calsias.

#The answer to your question is 0(zero) oC .

The melting point of a paper clip?

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i came to learn not say

What is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of water?

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It depends on what your INITIAL and FINAL temperatures are.

Assuming you had water at 20°C and wanted to raise it to 50°C

You can use the formula: Q = mcΔT

Q = Amount of Heat (Energy)

m (mass)= 1g

c (specific heat capacity) = 4.186J/g°C

ΔT = Final Temperature - Initial Temperature = 50°C - 20°C = 30°C

Q = 1g x 4.186J/g°C x 30°C

Q = 125.58J

IS 39 DEGREES cold or hot?

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39 degrees is cold. The freezing point is 32 degrees. Our body temp. usually hovers around 98.6 degress.

Which is warmer 7 degrees Celsius or 3.5 degrees Celsius?

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7 degrees Celsius is warmer than 3.5. The higher the number in degrees, the warmer it is!

Convert 70 degrees celsius to Fahrenheit?

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What does 70 degrees Celsius convert to degrees Fahrenheit? Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of temperatures and formulas".

Is 47 degrees Fahrenheit hot or cold?

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47 degrees Fahrenheit = 8.33 degrees Celsius, which is not cold enough to snow but if you were outside you would need a warm coat. In Minnesota, after a cold winter, 47 degrees Fahrenheit feels quite nice, and people will go out in shorts and T-shirts and feel comfortable! :)

A calorimeter contains 0.750 kilogram of liquid water at 17.0 degrees C. A 0.0580 kilogram block of copper at 98.0 degrees C is placed in the water. What is the final temperature of the system?

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You need to know the specific heat for copper. Then use q = mc∆T for copper and water. Heat lost by the copper MUST equal heat gained by the water. You can then solve for T2 of the water.

When temperature is 0 degrees C what is it in Fahrenheit?

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32 oF This is the freezing point of water.

The corresponding temperatures for the boiling point of water are

100 oC & 212 oF .

What is the abbreviation of Fahrenheit?

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Fahrenheit is a measurement of temperature. Fahrenheit is usually abbreviated by a degree symbol, which is a small circle that occupies space much like an apostrophe, and the letter F.

What is 400K in celsius?

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400K = 126.85ºC

What is deferant between pt100 and pt1000?

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The Pt 1000 sensor is the "big brother" of the Pt 100 sensor. Its nominal resistance at 0°Cis 1000 Ω. Resistance values of the whole series are higher by a factor of 10. The sensor

is used in the same way as the Pt 100 sensor. Its dimensions are slightly larger (4 x 5

uninsulated). Thermostats and sensors for Pt 1000 on request.

Change 59 degrees faharenheit to degrees celsius?

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59 degrees Fahrenheit = 15 degrees Celsius

Is -196 degrees Celsius cold?

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Yes!!!! Very cold. The gases nitrogen and oxygen have become liquids at this temperature.