

Types of new world lizard

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Iguana is one type of new world lizard

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Q: Types of new world lizard
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Which is the world's largest lizard?

The world's largest lizard is a komodo dragon.

What is the smallest lizard in the world?

the rait lizard

What are the five types of?

Crocodiles and alligatorsLizardsSnakesTuataras (two lizard-like species found only in New Zealand)Turtles and tortoises

Types of lizerds would live in a desert?

Some lizards are the Roundtail Horned Lizard , Flattail Horned Lizard, Regal, Texas Horned Lizard and Shorthorned Lizard.

What is the protection of the lizard?

The lizard uses its speed and protective coloring as one means of protection from enemies, helping to ensure its survival. Some types of lizards will also lose their tails if an enemy grabs them, allowing the lizard to survive. Eventually it grows a new tail.

What is the protection or survival of lizard?

The lizard uses its speed and protective coloring as one means of protection from enemies, helping to ensure its survival. Some types of lizards will also lose their tails if an enemy grabs them, allowing the lizard to survive. Eventually it grows a new tail.