


US Constitution

The supreme law of the United States, the Constitution provided the framework for the creation of the United States government.

500 Questions

What was the fear of the stamp act of 1765?

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Asked by Wiki User

What was the fear of the Stamp Act of 1765?

What are employee rights under the OSHAct?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct) in the United States provides employees with several rights to ensure safe and healthy working conditions. Some key employee rights under the OSHAct include:

  1. **Right to a Safe Workplace:**

    • Employees have the right to work in an environment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
  2. **Access to Information:**

    • Employees are entitled to information about the safety and health standards applicable to their workplace.
  3. **Training:**

    • Employees have the right to receive training on potential workplace hazards and how to deal with them.
  4. **Access to Injury and Illness Records:**

    • Employees can request access to their workplace injury and illness records.
  5. **Confidentiality:**

    • Employees have the right to request that their names not be disclosed when they file a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
  6. **Protection from Retaliation:**

    • Employees are protected from retaliation for exercising their rights under the OSHAct. This includes filing complaints, participating in inspections or investigations, and raising safety concerns.
  7. **Participation in Inspections:**

    • Employees have the right to participate in workplace safety and health inspections conducted by OSHA.
  8. **Safety Data Sheets (SDS):**

    • Employees have the right to access Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the chemicals they work with.
  9. **Medical Exams:**

    • In certain situations, employees have the right to receive medical examinations or tests that may be required by OSHA standards.

It's important for employees to be aware of their rights under the OSHAct and to communicate any safety concerns to their employers or OSHA when necessary. Employers are obligated to provide a safe and healthful workplace and comply with OSHA standards.

How is the general assembly different from the US congress?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Congress is for the entire U.S., while the VA General Assembly is for only one state.

  • The VA General Assembly oversees the state budget while Cogress oversees the federal budget

  • The VA General Assembly meets annually, while Congress meets throughout the year

  • The VA General Assembly redistricts the state’s congressional and state legislative districts, while Congress does not

What would happen if you didn't have the right to a fair trial?

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Asked by Wiki User

If there was no right to a fair trial any innocent person could be jailed for absolutely nothing. Rich people could pay to put poor people in jail which would make the rich rule the world more than they already do

Actions that may be required when you execute a decision include?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acceleration, deceleration and Steering

Does the US Constitution apply only to citizens?

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Asked by Wiki User

Illegals/Noncitizens are subject to the laws of their own Country, granted they must obey our laws but if arrested, their Embassy is contacted for their Countries intercession- Why b/c they are Subjects of their Country- Always- 1st & Foremost!

Our Govt has eroded Citizens Rights by stating Everyone is Constitutionally protected!

When the Constitution was written, many Noncitizens lived among Citizens and were NOT given the Rights that were granted to Citizens!

You ERODE our Constitution when you freely give those Rights that many have fought & died for to anyone that steps foot on our soil!

What checks to be carried out to ensure that all materials are correct?

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Asked by Wiki User

Firstly analyze the job at hand and check that all materials are all there and are the right all the right sizes. Then check that the materials/parts are in good working order and have not been damaged in anyway.

What is a revenue cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here is a simple explanation of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) in healthcare:

The Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), process starts when the patient schedules an appointment. The doctor's office then creates a claim, which is a bill for the services that were provided. The claim is then sent to the patient's insurance company. The insurance company reviews the claim and decides how much they will pay. The doctor's office then follows up with the insurance company and the patient to collect the payment.

RCM can be a complex process, and there are many potential errors that can occur. These errors can cost the doctor's office a lot of money in lost revenue. That's why it's important for doctor's offices to have a strong RCM system in place.

A strong RCM system can help doctor's offices:

  • Get paid for their services quickly and accurately
  • Reduce the number of denied claims
  • Improve their cash flow
  • Identify and correct coding errors
  • Comply with all payer guidelines

There are a number of things that doctor's offices can do to improve their RCM:

  • Invest in RCM software
  • Hire a qualified RCM specialist
  • Educate their staff on RCM
  • Develop and implement RCM policies and procedures
  • Monitor their RCM performance regularly

By taking these steps, doctor's offices can improve their RCM and ensure that they are getting paid for the services they provide.

How did the Virginia Bill of Rights affect the US Constitution?

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Asked by Wiki User

well, the virginia bill of rights is a myth and i am writing this is 3028. well, i came from thew future to write this so, here i am. i am 2 years old and am in college. i gradguated high school with high honors.

Who won the case between Florida v JL?

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Asked by Wiki User

J.L later won the cases after it was revised by the Supreme Court && they ruled in the fact that the officer did not have reasonable search to frisk the young man off of an anonymous tip. It violates the Fourth Amendment which subjects back to the case Terry vs. Ohio .

Is there a supplement that is close to steroids?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you want to take supplements taht are close to steroids than why not just take steroids there probably isn't much difference

If you want to take supplements taht are close to steroids than why not just take steroids there probably isn't much difference

If you want to take supplements taht are close to steroids than why not just take steroids there probably isn't much difference

cause u cant just walk in to a store and buy steroids

What are article submission sites?

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Asked by Wiki User

Article submission sites are website where you can publish your own articles, either to make money from sales or to establish backlinks to your content on other sites.

How long can a federal judge be on the bench?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no mandatory retirement age for federal judges,

although Congress provides that judges who reach a certain age and

have been judges for a certain amount of time may retire from

full-time service and still earn their salaries.

Sort the statements below into the correct order in which the federal budget is prepared?

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Asked by Kingstonz

The president gives a proposed budget to Congress.

Congress decides on the details of the budget.

The president signs spending bills into law.


The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the president prepare a proposed budget.

Congress decides on the overall level of spending and taxation and passes specific spending bills.

The president signs various spending bills into law.

Who has the power to establish courts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Article 1,Section 8,Clause 9 gives congress the enumerated power to Establish Tribunals. Thus giving them the power to establish our country's courts.

What did the nineteenth amendment do?

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Asked by Wiki User

It gave the right to vote to women.

The Nineteenth Amendment prohibits sex discrimination in voting, therefore it guaranteed voting rights for both men and women.

How is the will of the people or popular sovereignty most strongly expressed according to the constitution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The will of the people or popular sovereignty is most strongly expressed in the Constitution through the process of electing representatives. The Constitution provides for the election of members of Congress and the President, ensuring that the leaders of the country are chosen by the people. Additionally, the Constitution enshrines the rights and liberties of individuals, reflecting the will of the people to protect their freedoms.

Does the executive branch direct foreign policies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the executive branch, specifically the President of the United States, has the authority to direct and shape foreign policies. The President sets the agenda for international relations, makes decisions about treaties and agreements, and represents the nation in diplomatic relations with foreign countries. However, the executive branch also works in collaboration with Congress in formulating and implementing foreign policies.

Although not mentioned in the constitution this iitem is rooted in your legal heritage?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of an item rooted in our legal heritage that is not explicitly mentioned in the constitution is the principle of judicial review. Judicial review is the power of the courts to review the constitutionality of laws and actions by the executive and legislative branches. This power was established by the Supreme Court in the landmark case Marbury v. Madison in 1803 and has since become an essential component of the American legal system.

Why are big states important for decision making?

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Big states are important for decision making because they have larger populations and therefore represent a larger portion of the country's citizens. The decisions made by big states can have a significant impact on national policies and outcomes. Additionally, big states often have diverse populations, which allows for a wider range of perspectives and considerations in decision making processes.