



Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the parts of speech that express an action or existence.

500 Questions

Is in the sky a verb?

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No; "sky" is a noun (person place or thing), and "the" is a definite article.

Is the word shoot a verb?

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If you can put the word to' in front of it, then it is a verb. Hence 'to shoot'.

Is hasn't a verb or noun?

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The word hasn't is a contraction, a verb-adverb combination; a shortened form for 'has not'. Examples:

He has not called. or He hasn't called.

Is penetrate a verb noun or adjective?

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penetrate is an adjective

Is 'ran' a verb?

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It is the verb 'to run; As 'Ran' it is in the Past tence. e.g. I ran for the bus.

NB Verbs have three tenses ; viz. Future, Present, and Past tenses.

How to be happy?

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Being happy comes down to our own choices. We humans are motivated by things that reward us in one way or another, and in that process we forget our own happpiness. Being happy is Peace, being happy is Sovereign.

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Is have sold a verb adverb preposition conjunction or interjection?

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Yes it is one of those, but it is a verb. [have sold = verb]

Words ending in ing?

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Some words ending with 'ing' are:

  1. adoring
  2. burning
  3. caring
  4. driving
  5. earning
  6. ending
  7. facing
  8. fleeing
  9. grinding
  10. hiding
  11. inching
  12. jumping
  13. kicking
  14. learning
  15. loving
  16. mentioning
  17. nesting
  18. opening
  19. praising
  20. peeling
  21. quilting
  22. racing
  23. seeing
  24. steaming
  25. touring
  26. using
  27. vaulting
  28. watching
  29. examining
  30. yawning
  31. zoning

What is the verb of darkness?

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Verbs ending in ing for the word sun?

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what words end with ing for sun

Is dried a regular or irregular verb form?

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It is not irregular, in that it adds the typical -ed to form the past tense and past participle. However, it follows the pattern of several verbs that end in Y, where the Y is changed to i before adding -ed.

(Some verbs ending with vowel-Y, e.g. buoy and guy, do not change the Y. The verb pay may be considered irregular in that paid adds only a D after changing the Y.)

Can I withdraw my I-130 application I have filed?

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Yes, you can withdraw an I-130 petition that you have filed. The process for withdrawing an I-130 petition depends on the stage of the application process and whether the petition has been approved or not. Here are the general steps:

1. Before USCIS Approval: If the I-130 petition is still pending with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), you can submit a written request to withdraw the petition. This can be done by sending a letter to the USCIS office where the petition was originally filed. Include the petitioner's name, date of birth, and the receipt number of the I-130 petition.

2. After USCIS Approval: If the I-130 petition has already been approved, it becomes more complicated. Once USCIS approves the petition, it is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) for further processing. In such cases, you may need to follow up with the NVC to request the withdrawal of the petition. This is typically done through written communication, and you may be required to provide reasons for the withdrawal.

3. After the Case Has Moved to the U.S. Department of State: If the case has moved beyond the NVC stage and is with the U.S. Department of State at a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad, you may need to contact that embassy or consulate directly to inquire about the withdrawal process. The procedures may vary depending on the specific circumstances.

It's essential to keep in mind that if the I-130 petition is part of a larger immigration process, such as an adjustment of status or consular processing, withdrawing the I-130 may have implications for the entire process. And fees paid for the I-130 petition are generally non-refundable.

If you are considering withdrawing an I-130 petition, it is strongly recommended to consult with an immigration attorney or you can search online immigration consultant or attorney for eg. dygreencardinc. They can guide you according to your situation, inform you of any potential consequences. Immigration laws and procedures can be complex, and professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions.

What is the infinitive form of division?

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To divide

Is park a verb or noun?

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Parking can be used as either a verb or an adjective.

Verb use: I am parking the car.

Adjective use: Use that parking space.

Hope this helps!!

What is a subject verb for what if every family owned a helicopter?

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What if every family owned a helicopter?

What is the verb of harm?

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it is a way of hurting other feelings by way of intention or not or it can be a way hurting others in a way of threatening them!

What part of speech is the word use?

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The word 'use' functions as a noun or a verb in a sentence.

  • The noun 'use' can function as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.
  • The verb 'use' tells what the subject does.

Example sentences for the noun 'use':
I must thank Jim for the use of his car.
The use of foul language is not permitted here.

Example sentences for the verb 'use':
You may use my pen to write the note.
We use English to answer these questions.

Is powerful a verb?

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A power verb is an intense verb that is not used very often, or a verb that reflects extreme action.






Many times power verbs are preceded by adverbs, providing even more emphasis or description.

Is habit a verb?

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No, "habit" is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to a regular or repeated behavior or tendency. The corresponding verb form is "habituate."

Is string a verb?

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No, a string is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to a sequence of characters. However, the verb form of "string" can mean to thread or arrange things in a line, as in "to string beads on a necklace."

Is kindest a verb?

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No, "kindest" is not a verb. It is an adjective that describes the superlative form of "kind," meaning having or showing kindness or goodness.

What is an example of a sentence that has a main verb?

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I like ice cream.